Create New Order

You can create a new order from either the account search results or from an Account Details window.

You do not need to create a billing account for a customer before creating a new order. A new billing account can be created during the new order process if you would like to create both a billing account and an order at the same time. Use this method for creating a new order and a new billing account.

Orders can be created in either the Customer Billing or Accounts application. Refer to Create an Order for more information about creating an order in the Customer Billing application.

Each order contains details about the products that a customer has purchased such as Subscription information, or pricing options. You can also set up the payment method, add a payment, select to have an invoice auto-generated, or add additional information about the order before confirming it.

If you do not confirm the order after adding items to the cart, it is saved with a Draft status. The order is not saved if you do not add any items to the cart or if you add and then remove all items from the cart.

You can access orders in any status from the customer's Account Details window or by performing an order search. To view the Order Details window (refer to Search for Order).

Depending on the status of the order you can complete additional actions:

  • Completed orders — Edit the Order Info, edit custom fields, or email a receipt. Refer to View Order Details for more information.

  • Draft orders — Edit order items, override price (if certain conditions apply), edit custom fields, set up the payment method, add a payment, select to have an invoice auto-generated, or add additional information about the order before confirming it. Refer to Edit Draft Order for more information on completing a Draft order.

Complete one of the following options to begin the new order process:

  1. Perform an Account Search for the customer account - either personal or enterprise.

    Account Search Results

    Account Search Results

  2. In the search results, complete one of the following options:

    1. Click Create New Order under the Actions column to open either the Account Details window (for personal accounts) or the Billing Account Selection window (for enterprise accounts).

      Account Details for New Order

      Account Details Window

    2. For personal accounts only, in the Account Details section, complete the required and relevant information.

      • Billing Account — Select an option from the drop-down field. This list includes all accounts for this customer, as well as an option for New Billing Account.

        If the account you selected does not have any existing accounts, the Billing Account drop-down field will not be included on the window.

        • If you select New Billing Account, a new billing account is created for the customer, and the new order is added to it. The fields displayed (both required and optional) are the same fields available when you create a new account. Complete required and relevant information. Refer to Add New Personal Account for field details.

        • If you select an existing billing account, the other fields will no longer display.

    3. For enterprise accounts only, in the Billing Account Selection section, complete the required and relevant information.

      Enterprise Account - Billing Account Selection Window

      Enterprise Account - Billing Account Selection Window

      • Billing Account — Select an option from the drop-down field. This list includes all accounts for this customer, as well as an option for New Billing Account.

        If the account you selected does not have any existing accounts, the Billing Account drop-down field will not be included on the window.

        • If you select New Billing Account, a new billing account is created for the customer, and the new order is added to it. The fields displayed (both required and optional) are the same fields available when you create a new account. Complete required and relevant information. Refer to Add New Personal Account for field details.

        • If you select an existing billing account, the other fields will no longer display.

    4. Click Next to open the New Order window (skip to this step).

  3. OR, perform an Account Search for a customer account (either personal or enterprise) and click the account number active link in the Account # column to open the Account Details window.

    Account Details Window

    Account Details Window

    1. In the Orders section, click the Action button and select Create New Order to open the New Order window.

      Order Section - Action Drop-down Options

      Order Section - Action Drop-down Options

On the New Order window, complete the following steps to create and confirm the order:

  1. The Order Info section includes the following items:

    New Order Window

    New Order - Order Info Section

    1. Billing Address or Account Number. If you selected to create a new billing account, you can click the Billing Address active link to open the Edit Address window, where you can make any changes to the billing account address. Refer toEdit Draft Order for more information on this window. If you selected an existing account, the Account Number is an active link to the Account Details window. You can click the back button on your browser to return to the New Order window.

    2. Override Order Date checkbox — Select the checkbox to back date an order. Clear the checkbox to keep the Order Date as the current date.

      The order can be backdated. However, the date cannot be earlier than the start date for the most recent open bill cycle run. Regardless of how far in the past an order is dated, the version of the product sold is always the current version. Prices and activity rules applied are those in effect as of the calendar date the order was created - not the date on the order.

  2. In the Items section, click the Add button to open the Product Selection window.

    Product Selection Window

    Product Selection Window

  3. On the Product Selection window, add products to the Cart.

    1. Browse between lists of Subscription, Add-On, and One-Time products by clicking the Subscription, Add-On, or One-Time tabs at the top of the window.

    2. Click Filter to filter the list by one or more of the following filter criteria:

      You can also filter by Product Tag by selecting the required checkboxes shown above the list of products.

      New Order - Product Selection Filters

      New Order - Product Selection Filters

      • Price List: Select a price list to display only those products assigned to the specified price list. Price lists are managed in the Marketplaces Module of the Products application.

      • Product Name: Enter text found in the name of the product. For example, entering Tool will display products with the word tool in the name.

      • Product Tag checkboxes: Select checkboxes to display products created with that product tag.

    3. Click Add to Cart for each product the customer wants to purchase. The product or products are added to the Cart section in the Product Selection window.

    4. If a product requires you to select a recurring price, the Select Price window will open when you click Add to Cart. Select the applicable price for the product, and click Finish.

      Select Price Window

      Select Price Window

    5. To remove an item from the Cart, click Remove next to the items in the Cart section.

    6. To change the quantity of an item in the Cart, click the number active link in the Qty column to open the Override Quantity window. Enter the new quantity, then click Finish to close the window.

      Override Quantity Window

      Override Quantity Window

    7. OPTIONAL: If a product was configured with a price that includes the option to override the price and set another price, you can click the price active link (see image below) to open the Override Unit Price window.

      The ability to override a price is dependent on your security role. Refer to Manage Limits for more information.

      Price overrides are configured for product prices in the Products application (refer to Configure Product Pricing for more information).

      Depending on your configuration and the type of product, you may be able to adjust how charges are billed, the tiered or tapered price, the Product Price Group associated with the product, and prepaid register configurations.

      Refer to Add New Product for more information about the fields shown in the Override Unit Price window.

      You can also create and manage products in the Product Catalog application’s Products module, including configuring a product price to include the price override option. Refer to Product Pricing for more information about managing product prices in the Product Catalog application.

      Order Info Window - Active Link for Price in Cart

      Order Info Window - Active Link for Price in Cart

      1. On the Override Unit Price window, complete the required and relevant information based on the product charge:

        Refer to the Price Override knowledge base article for more information about overriding prices.

        Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

        For products with one-time charge or products with a recurring charge:

        Override Unit Price Window

        Override Unit Price Window - One Time Charge

        Override Unit Price Window - All Options

        Override Unit Price Window - Recurring Charge

        Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

        • Billing Type — Only for Recurring charges. Select a billing option for recurring prices:

          • Bill in Advance: Billing occurs at the beginning of the service period, before services are rendered. The customer will be invoiced for the service on their next bill cycle run. Also, complete the following fields:

            • Additional Bill in Advance Quantity: Enter a whole number value (1-999) for the number of periods to bill in advance.

            • Additional Bill in Advance Period*: Select a period of time to bill in advance. This becomes available after you enter the amount (number of periods) to bill in advance. When combined, the two options determine the length of time to bill in advance. Options are Bill Cycle, Day, Week, Month, or Year. For example, to bill for 3 months of service in advance, enter 2 for the amount and select Month for the period.

          • Bill in Arrears: Billing occurs at the end of the service period, after services are rendered.

        • Prorate on Order checkboxOnly for Recurring. If selected, the service period start day of month will align with the bill cycle run start day of month and a charge will be added to the invoice for the prorated period from the order item approval date to the first service period end date. If the service has usage rule(s) with an allowance, the allowance amount will be prorated for the first service period.

        • Prorate on Cancel checkboxOnly for Recurring. If selected, the amount charged for the service period including the deactivation date will be reduced by the prorated amount from the day following the deactivation date to the end of the service period. If the service has usage rule(s) with an allowance, the allowance amount will be prorated for the final service period.

        • Prorated on Order - No Charge checkbox — Only for recurring charges. If selected, the service period start day of month will align with the bill cycle run start day of month and NO charge will be added to the invoice for the prorated period from the order item approval date to the first service period end date.

        • Product Price Group — Select a Product Price Group from the drop-down list. Product Price Groups are managed in the Product Price Groups Module of the Products application.

        • Starting Qty — Enter the starting quantity for the range. For example, if the range is 4-7 for $79.99 each, then the Starting Qty is "4". The first tier must start with 0.

        • Ending Qty — Enter the ending quantity for the range. For example, if the range is 4-7 for $79.99 each, then the Ending Qty is "7". You cannot add a new tier unless the Ending Qty is blank.

        • Price* — Enter the price that will be applied to the tier.

        • Add Tier — Click to add another tier. Add Starting Qty, Ending Qty, and Price for all tiers.


          • Once a new tier is added, the Ending Qty is set to 1, and the Starting Qty of the new tier is set to 1.

          • When you override the Ending Qty, you need to also override the Starting Qty on the next tier.

          • If you wish to enter more tiers, the system will add one to the Starting Qty value and use that value as the Ending Qty on the current tier.

          • You cannot specify the Ending Qty on the last tier. This means that the last tier's price is valid for any quantity greater or equal to the Starting Qty.

          • For tiered pricing, the Starting Qty is inclusive, and the Ending Qty is exclusive. Therefore, a tier with a Starting Qty of 4 and an Ending Qty of 7 will apply for quantities of 4, 5, and 6.

        For one-time charge with a prepaid register:

        Override Unit Price Window - One Time Charge with Prepaid Register

        Override Unit Price Window - One Time Charge with Prepaid Register

        A prepaid contribution order has two amounts. The order amount, which is what is billed to the customer, and a granted value, which is the amount by which the register balance increases or decreases with the order. Using the following fields, you can give users a "discount" by ordering a product for $80 but giving it a grated value of ($)100. The billing account settings define the currency for the register.

        • Current Granted Value — The current value that is available to use in a prepaid register.

        • Override Granted Value* — Enter a new value.

        • Current Auto Contribution Granted Value Threshold — Auto contribution is a way to add contributions to a register when the customer’s register balance is low. This field defines the amount that the register granted value balance must fall below to trigger an automatic contribution.

        • Override Auto Contribution Granted Value Threshold* —Enter a new value.

        • Current Auto Contribution — The order amount that will be added as an automatic contribution.

        • Override Auto Contribution Amount* — Enter a new value to override the current auto contribution amount.

        • Current Auto Contribution Granted Value — The granted value for the automatic contribution order.

        • Override Auto Contribution Granted Value* —Enter a new value to override the current auto contribution granted value.

        • Product Price Group — Select a Product Price Group from the drop-down list. Product Price Groups are managed in the Product Price Groups Module of the Products application.

        • Starting Qty — Enter the starting quantity for the range. For example, if the range is 4-7 for $79.99 each, then the Starting Qty is "4". The first tier must start with 0.

        • Ending Qty — Enter the ending quantity for the range. For example, if the range is 4-7 for $79.99 each, then the Ending Qty is "7". You cannot add a new tier unless the Ending Qty is blank.

        • Price* — Enter the price that will be applied to the tier.

        • Add Tier — Click to add another tier. Add Starting Qty, Ending Qty, and Price for all tiers.


          • Once a new tier is added, the Ending Qty is set to 1, and the Starting Qty of the new tier is set to 1.

          • When you override the Ending Qty, you need to also override the Starting Qty on the next tier.

          • If you wish to enter more tiers, the system will add one to the Starting Qty value and use that value as the Ending Qty on the current tier.

          • You cannot specify the Ending Qty on the last tier. This means that the last tier's price is valid for any quantity greater or equal to the Starting Qty.

          • For tiered pricing, the Starting Qty is inclusive, and the Ending Qty is exclusive. Therefore, a tier with a Starting Qty of 4 and an Ending Qty of 7 will apply for quantities of 4, 5, and 6.

      2. Click Finish.

    8. Click Finish when all products have been added to the cart and any optional price overrides have been completed. The selected products are added to the Items and Cart sections on the New Order window.

      New Order with Items

      New Order with Items

  4. Optional. Adjust the order items in the Items section. Depending on the product, the following actions are available to edit in the Items section:

    • Remove — Click to open a confirmation window. Click Yes to confirm the removal of the item. The item is removed from both the Items and Cart sections.

    • Enter Short Description — Click to open the Short Description window. Enter the additional information as needed and click Finish to close the window.

    • Select Agreement — Required if the product sold requires an agreement. Can also be used for a product that does not require an agreement, but the product must have previously been associate with the agreement . Click to open the Select Agreement window. Select an agreement, and then complete the additional fields that populate depending on the agreement selected.

      Select Agreement Window

      Select Agreement Window

      • Agreement Period: Enter a value for how long the agreement will last. The increment depends on the agreement definition.

      • Renewal Action: Select an option from the drop-down list that will define what will happen when the selected agreement expires. Additional fields will display based on the Renewal Action you selected.

      • Renewal Pricing radio buttons: Only for Renewal Agreement and Change Agreement Renew Actions. Select an option to set the renewal price based on the product’s price for the related currency and recurrence or the service’s price.

      • Override the Agreement End Date checkbox: Select to override the agreement date. Enter the new date to end the agreement.

      • Next Agreement: Only for Change Agreement Renew Action. Select the agreement that will be used at renewal.

      • Next Agreement Renewal Action: Select an option from the drop-down list that will define what will happen when the selected agreement expires. If you select Renewal Agreement, also select a Renewal Pricing radio button.

      Click Finish to close the window.

      Agreements are created and managed in the Products application’s Agreements Module module and can be viewed in the Product Catalog application’s Agreements Module module.

    • Override Agreement — This option is only available if the product has an agreement that is configured to allow overrides (refer to Associate Agreements with Product). Click to open the Override Agreement window. Change the details as needed and click Finish to close the window. Agreements are created and managed in the Products application’s Agreements Module module and can be viewed in the Product Catalog application’s Agreements Module module.

    • Override Trial Length — This option is only available if the product has a trial period that is configured to allow overrides (refer to Configure Product Definition or Configure Trial Period for Product). Click to open the Length of Trial window. The configured number of days for the product trial is shown in the Default Length of Trial field. Enter a new trial length (in days) Change the details as needed and click Finish to close the window. Agreements are created and managed in the Products application’s Agreements Module module and can be viewed in the Product Catalog application’s Agreements Module module.

      Length of Trial Window

      Length of Trial Window

    • Add Address — Opens the Add Address window. Enter the address of the person who uses the device, which reflect where the service is used, and click Finish to close the window.

    • Scheduled Charges — Click to open the Schedule Charges window. Enter the Charge Description, Charge Date, and Charge Amount. Multiple scheduled charges can be added as needed. You can schedule a negative amount. The total of all scheduled charges must equal the total charge amount for the product. Click Finish to close the window.

    • Configure Service Custom Fields — This option is available depending on your configuration. Click to open the Custom Field window. Enter the requested information, and click Finish to close the window.

    • Approval — Available if you have the authority and the product requires approval for sale. Click to open the Approval window. This value can be backdated to the order date or the oldest open bill cycle, whichever is more recent. Click Finish to close the window.

    • Add Discount Code — Click to open the Add Discount Code window. Enter the Discount Code, for example HOLIDAYS, that applies the discount, and click Finish to close the window.

      Discounts and discount codes are created in the Discounts Module of the Products application.

      Add Discount Code Window

      Add Discount Code Window

    • Configure Activity Charge Rules — Click to open the Configure Activity Charge Rules window where you can add, test, and delete rules, or rearrange their order. To add a rule, click Action and select Add. Refer to Usage Rules Module for more information.

    • Configure — Click to open the Subscription Configuration window to add a Service Identifier to the Subscription. Service Identifiers are managed in the Customer Billing

      If you select Create New Service Identifier:

      1. Enter the new Service Identifier number in the Service Identifier field, and click Add Service Identifier.

        Subscription Configuration Window - Create New Service Identifier

        Subscription Configuration Window- Create New Service Identifier

      2. If desired, add another Service Identifier, and click Add Service Identifier. The number of Service Identifiers allowed for the service (product) depends on how the product was configured. Refer to Configure Product Definition (or Products Module if working with products in the Product Catalog application) for more information on configuring product identifiers.

      3. To remove a Service Identifier, select the Service Identifier radio button, and click Remove Service Identifier.

        Subscription Configuration - Remove Service Identifier

        Subscription Configuration - Remove Service Identifier

      4. Click Finish to close the window.

      If you select Select Existing Service Identifier:

      Subscription Configuration Window - Select Existing Service Identifier

      Subscription Configuration Window - Select Existing Service Identifier

      1. Enter part of the Service Identifier name in the search field, and click Search.

      2. Select one radio button from the results, and click Add Service Identifier.

      3. Select as many Service Identifiers as desired or allowed for the product. Click Add Service Identifier after selecting each radio button.

      4. Click Finish to close the window.

    • Schedule One-Time charge — Click to open the Schedule One-Time Charges window. Enter the Charge Description, Charge Date, and Charge Amount. You can schedule a negative amount. The one-time scheduled charge must equal the total charge amount for the product. Click Finish to close the window.

    • Configure First Period End Date — Click to open the Configure First Period End Date window. You can specify the end date on prorated Subscription products with all recurrence types except bill cycles recurrences and products with trial periods. This feature enables you to align services on a billing account so that they are included on the same invoice. This results in one invoice that includes the desired charges instead of multiple invoices. Enter the new end date and click Finish to close the window. The service period is aligned with the new end date.

    • Tiered or Tapered Override — Depending on your configuration, you might be able to override a tiered or tapered price.

  5. Optional. Adjust quantity or price or remove items in the Cart. See above.

    If you remove an item from the Cart on the Order Details window, the item is removed from both the Items and Cart sections.

  6. Depending on your configuration, additional custom fields may be available. Click Edit above the Custom Fields section and enter the applicable information in the Edit Custom Field window. Custom fields are created in the Setup application’s Custom Fields module. Refer to Custom Fields Module for more information on working with custom fields.

  7. Click Next to review the order in the Order Verification window. Alternatively you can click Void Order to void the order or Save Order to save the order as a Draft and open a Draft Order Details window. You can complete a draft order later. Refer to Edit Draft Order for more information.

  8. On the Order Verification window, complete additional order details as needed:

    Order Verification Window

    Order Verification Window

    Review the items and their prices in the Cart section. If you need to change anything, click the Back button to return to the New Order window and adjust the items in the Cart.

    1. Optional. In the Payment Method section, click Add to open the Add Payment Method window. Select a payment method and complete the required and relevant fields for that payment method.

      Add Payment Method Window

      Add Payment Method Window

      1. Select the Auto Pay Enabled checkbox to use the payment method in the Payment section. Refer to Payment Methods for more information about the different payment methods and their configuration.

      2. Click Finish.

      If this order is being placed on a managed account, and the responsible account has a payment method configured for auto-pay, the Payment Method section will automatically include the managed payment method (which also includes and the account number of the responsible account). You can use the managed payment method or click Remove Managed Payment to not use the managed payment method. Refer to Link Managed Account and Managed Payment Method for more information on the managed payment method feature.

      To use the Management Payment Method feature, the Enable Managed Payment Method system setting must be set to True. This system setting is controlled by Gotransverse. Please contact Gotransverse Technical Support for more information about this system setting.

      Managed Payment Method

      Managed Payment Method

      1. Select the Auto Pay Enabled checkbox to use the payment method in the Payment section.

    2. Optional. In the Auto-Payment section, if there is a recurring payment, click the Add button to open the Recurring Payment window. Select a payment method and complete the required and relevant fields for that payment method. You can select the Use Auto-Payment checkbox to use the payment method in the Payment section. Refer to Payment Methods for more information about the different payment methods and their configuration.

    3. Required for products configured with Pay on Purchase. In the Payment section, click the Add button to display configuration fields. Select the payment type and enter the required information. Refer to Payment Methods for more information about the different payment methods and their configuration. The example below shows the configuration fields for the Check payment method.

      You will not be able to confirm the order if any product included in the order includes Pay on Purchase until you add a payment.

      Order Verifiction Window - Add Payment

      Order Verification Window - Add Payment If a user wants to specifically make a payment as part of this order, they can use this section to make that payment

      1. To use information from the Payment Method section, select the Use Payment Method on File checkbox and (optionally) select a Payment Method from the Payment Methods drop-down list.

        If this account is a managed account, the option Managed Payment Method will be included in the drop-down list.

      2. Select the Apply Automatically checkbox to automatically apply the payment when the order is confirmed.

      3. Click Remove Payment to remove the payment from the Payment section.

    4. Optional. In the Invoice Ordersection, select the Auto Generate Invoice checkbox to generate an invoice.

    5. Optional. In the Additional Information section, you can enter the following:

      • Email Receipt — Indicates whether to email the receipt to the customer.

      • PO# — If the customer has a purchase order number, enter it here.

      • Notes — Enter any pertinent information that needs to be noted for this order.

      • Referral — Enter how the customer found out about your services or products.

  9. When finished, click Order Confirmation. The Account Details window opens with the order included in the Orders section.





Topic updated: 04/2024.