Configure Product Definition

The first step to adding a new product is to add a product definition.

You can create a Subscription, One-Time, or Add-On product. Each product type has different required and optional fields.

You can create a new product definition with or without prices, depending on if you select Advanced Add (no prices added) or Basic Add (must add price based on product type). However, if you create a new product definition using Advanced Add, the new product is saved in Draft status. While in Draft status, you cannot add the product to an order - only a product in Available status can be sold. The product can be made available for sale after you complete the required action for that product type:

  • A Subscription product must have at least one recurring charge price added.

  • A One-Time product must have at least one one-time charge price added.

  • An Add-On product must have at least one recurring charge price added.

Refer to the following topics for additional information about configuring the different product types: