Responsible and Managed Accounts

The billing hierarchy includes two types of accounts:

  • Responsible Account — An account with one or more associated managed accounts.

  • Managed Account — An account with an associated responsible account.

A billing hierarchy enables billing accounts to be linked so that a responsible account is invoiced and is responsible for all the charges of its managed accounts. Managed accounts are not invoiced. A responsible account must have the same currency and bill cycle as its managed accounts.

The Enable Responsible Account Management Billing system setting must be set to True to enable the creation of billing hierarchies. If you have created a billing hierarchy and change the setting of this system setting from True to False, you do not have to first remove a managed account from a responsible account.

System settings are managed in the Admin application’s Company module. Refer to System Settings for more information.

A billing hierarchy also affects discounts applied at the billing account level. An account-level discount on a responsible account applies to all managed accounts and overrides any discount applied to a managed account. If there is no account-level discount applied to a responsible account, then any managed account level discount applies to the managed account.

You can also elect to create a managed payment method that can be shared with a managed account. However, this feature is controlled by the Enable Manage Payment Method system setting, which can only be changed Gotransverse. Users can contact the Gotransverse Technical Support to change the setting to True and use the managed payment method option.

Managed accounts display on the responsible account’s details window.

Refer to the following topics for additional information about managed accounts:






Topic updated: 07/2024.