Create an Order

Create an order to sell products to a customer. Products that are added to an order are called order items. Once an order is completed, the order items are converted into services, which are found on the customer's billing account.

You can either create, configure, and confirm a new order from the Create Order window (described below), or your can save a new order as a draft at any point during the order creation process. While the order is in Draft status, you can navigate away from the order without losing your progress. You can then return at a later time to edit, confirm, or void the order.

The order is automatically saved as a Draft order as soon as you click the Next button on the Create Order window, even if you click away from the Confirm Order window. However, if you click away from the Create Order window without clicking either the Save Draft or Next button, the order is not saved.

The advantage to saving the new order as a Draft is that it allows you to edit or add order items (refer to Draft Orders). You can also configure or change details about the order item, such as a recurring or one-time price, description, usage rules, and more.

Some order items will require additional configuration that is only available when the order is saved as a draft.

Before creating an order, check to see if a product that you will be adding as an order item has a parent product. Refer to Product Relationships for more information.

Complete the following steps to create an order:

  1. Select Customer Billing from the Gotransverse application menu Module menu icon.

    You may see a Customers and an Accounts tab or just the Accounts window, depending on the value for the Allow Multi-Customer Accounts Billing system setting. The Allow Multi-Customer Accounts system setting must be set to True to see both tabs. If this system setting is set to False, you will only see the Accounts window while in the Customers module. Refer to System Settings for more information about configuring system settings.

  2. Select a customer from the list or search for a customer from the Search field to open the Customer Summary window.

    To quickly access a customer or billing account, click thequick search icon icon on the title bar (on either the Customers or Accounts window) and enter part of the customer or billing account name or number. If you do not see the Accounts tab, you can still search for a billing account from the Customers window by entering part of the name or number in the Search field. You can also bookmark regularly-used pages. Refer to Search Feature for more information.

    Customers Window

    Customers Window

    Click the collapse icon icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the icon to open it.

    You can manage which columns display in any table with a Configure or Columns button by clicking the button and selecting desired columns. In addition. If the table includes a Filter button, you can filter the table contents. If the table includes an Export button, you can export visible table contents (up to 50) to a CSV (comma-separated values) file. Refer to Data Tables for more information about using these features.

  3. Select a custom to open the Customer Summary window.

    Customer Summary Window

    Customer Summary Window

  4. On the Customer Summary window, complete one of the following actions:

    1. For the account you wish to create an order, click the ellipsis ellipsis icon icon under the Actions column and select Create Order to open the Create Order window. Skip to this step.

      Create Order Option

      Create Order Option

    2. OR, select an account under the Accounts detail tab to open the Account Details window and select Create Order from the Account drop-down menu to open the Create Order window.

      Create Order Option

      Create Order Option

  5. On the Create Order window, complete the required and relevant fields:

    Click Configure Fields in the upper-right corner to select any custom fields you want to display when editing an order.

    Create Order Window

    Create Order Window - Order Header Fields and Configure Fields Button

    • Order Date — Select an order date. The default is the current date. The date can be backdated to the account creation date or the oldest open bill cycle, if needed.

    • PO Number — Enter the customer purchase order number.

    • Referral — If available, enter how the customer was referred to your company for this order, services, or products. For example, a person or company name.

    • Email Receipt — Select if a customer wants to receive an order confirmation email. Email templates are configured with Notification Templates in Setup application (refer to Notification Templates).

    • Notes — Enter additional information about the order.

    • Invoice Order checkbox — Select to generate an invoice immediately after the order confirmation. This creates an Invoice On Order invoice type (refer to Bill Batches for more information about invoice types).

      Invoices can be generated after order confirmation for orders that only include One-Time products.

    • Provide Invoice Number — This field displays and is required if you select the Invoice Order checkbox you can choose toprovide an invoice number instead of using the invoice number auto-generated by Gotransverse. The specified invoice number should be unique, such as a number with a prefix, and cannot duplicate an existing invoice number.

      Provide Invoice Number Field

      Provide Invoice Number Field

      If you do not populate the Provide Invoice Number field or remove the invoice number before finalizing the order, the invoice number will be based on the next invoice number in the auto-generatedsequence.

    • Order Custom Fields — Click the Configure Fields drop-down list to view any Order custom fields available. Select the custom fields you would like to add to the order header and enter information as needed. If you had previously selected one or more Order custom fields, they would display for each new order. Custom fields are managed in the Setup application’s Custom Fields Module.

      Configure Fields Drop-down List for Order Custom Fields

      Configure Fields Drop-down List for Order Custom Fields

  6. In the Order Items section of the Create Order window, add order items to the order by selecting products from the product catalog. You can select one or more products at a time.

    Search for products using one of the following methods:

    • Search for a product based on the name in the Product Name search field. Select the product from the drop-down list. You can also start typing the name of the product to filter the listed products.

      Create Order Window - Product Name Search

    • OR, search for a product using additional filters by clicking the Browse button to open the Browse Products window. Select one or more products to add to the order by selecting the checkbox next to the product name and then clicking the Add to Order button.

      Browse Product Window

      Browse Product Window

      If you use the Avalara Communications Tax processor, your Browse Products window will display the tax mode (Tax Exclusive or Tax Inclusive) within the price shown in the List Price column. The list price and Tax Inclusive or Tax Exclusive will also be shown in the subsequent order windows.

      Browse Product Window - Avalara Communications Tax

      Browse Product Window - Avalara Communications Tax

      The following filters are available when browsing the product catalog:

      • By Price List: Start typing the price list name or select it from the drop-down list. Multiple price lists can be selected.

      • By Name: Start typing the product name.

      • By Type: Start typing the product type or select it from the drop-down list. Multiple types can be selected.

      • By Category: Start typing the product category or select it from the drop-down list. Multiple categories can be selected.

      • By Tags: Start typing the associated product tag or select it from the drop-down list. Multiple tags can be selected.

        Click the Reset button to clear the filter criteria.

    • If you select a product and then move through pages or change filters and select other products, every selected product will be added to the Create Order window.

  7. Repeat the previous step to add additional products as needed.

  8. On the Create Order window, configure the available required and optional fields for the order items. Additional required and optional configurations are completed after the order is saved with a Draft status. Refer to Draft Orders for more information.

    The fields displayed and which fields are optional or required for an order item are defined by the type of product and the way the product is set up in the product catalog.

    Create Order - Order Item Fields

    Create Order - Order Items Added

    The following fields may be available to edit in the Order Items section:

    • Short Description — Enter or overwrite the short description for the order item that will appear on the service and invoice.

    • Parent Service — Required if the product selected has a parent service. Select the required parent service for Add-On products. The parent service can be another order item on the same order or an existing service on the same billing account. You must add the parent service to the order items before it is available in the drop-down list. To see if a product has a parent or related product, open the Product Information window for a product and select the Related Products detail tab (refer to Product Relationships).

      Select Parent Service

      Select Parent Service

    • List Price — Select a price for any Subscription product with more than one price or available.

    • Order Price — Enter a different price to override the price of the order item. Products must have Override Price enabled to change the price of an order item. Refer to Products Module for more information about this setting.

    • Quantity — Enter a different quantity for any One-Time products.

    Click the delete icon next to any order items you want to remove.

  9. After adding all items and configuring them as needed, click either the Save Draft or Next button on the Create Order window.

    The order is saved as a Draft order as soon as you click the Next button, even if you click away from the Confirm Order window.

    Create Order Window with Items

    Create Order Window with Items

    NOTE: If you use the Avalara Communications Tax processor, your Order Items section will include the tax mode (Tax Exclusive or Tax Inclusive) within the price shown in the List Price column.

    Order Items Section - Avalara Communications Tax Processor

    Order Items Section - Avalara Communications Tax Processor

    1. If you click the Next button, the Confirm Order window displays. You can either confirm the order as it is or make changes:

      Confirm Order Window

      Confirm Order Window

      You can click the collapse icon icon next to the Confirm Order button to collapse Order Information section.

      1. To confirm order, review the order for accuracy.

        Click the expand icon icon next to an order item to view the order item configuration.

        Confirm Order Window - Order Item Expanded Detail

        Confirm Order Window - Order Item Expanded Detail

        Then click the Confirm Order button to open the Confirm Order window, which shows the details of your order. The status will change to Completed or In Progress (shown next to the Order number), depending on your order fulfillment configuration.

        Completed Order

        Completed Order Window

        If you use the Avalara Communications Tax processor, your Order Details window will include the tax mode for both recurring and one-time prices in the Recurring Tax Mode and One-Time Tax Mode columns, respectively.

        Order Details Window - Avalara Communications Tax Process

        Order Details Window - Avalara Communications Tax Processor

        You will not be able to edit or add order items to a Confirmed order. Some order item configuration is done after the order has been saved as a Draft. For more information on configuring order items, refer to Order Item Configuration.

      2. To make changes, click Back to Order to make changes on the Order Details window. The order is automatically assigned an order number and saved with a Draft status. On Order Details window, you can confirm the order as is, void the order, send an email receipt, or confirm the order, as well as configure, delete, or add order items. Refer to the Related Topics for links to the topics for each of these actions.

    2. If you click the Save Draft button, the Order Details window displays. The order is now in Draft status. You can confirm the order as is, void the order, send an email receipt, or confirm the order, as well as configure, delete, or add order items. Refer to the Related Topics for links to the topics for each of these actions.

      All required order item configuration fields must be completed before an order is confirmed.





Topic updated: 12/2024.