Order Item Configuration

When a product is added to an order as an order item, you will be able to configure certain aspects of the product, such as price, usage rules, or scheduled charges. The product’s initial configuration is inherited from the way the product was set up in the product catalog (in either the Product Catalog or Products application). Some products will require additional configuration at the time of order. Some configuration is optional but can provide important information about the order item and resulting service.

A few order item configuration fields can be completed when creating a new order, but the majority of configuration fields must be completed after the order has been saved with Draft status (refer to Create an Order). You can configure an order item either of the following ways:

  • Edit an existing order item on a Draft order.

  • Add a new order item to a Draft order and then configure the order item.

The configuration areas displayed and the optional and required fields of an order item are defined by the type of product and the way the product is set up in the product catalog.

Refer to the linked topics for additional information about the different configurations that are available when configuring an order item: