View Order and Order Item Details

The Order Details window includes the following information:

  • Order information that applies to the order as a whole.

  • Individual order items.

  • Payment information, including the amount, payment date, and payment status.

  • History of changes to the order or order items, including changes to custom fields.

Complete the following steps to view details about orders for a specific billing account:

If you know the Order number, click the Orders tab. Use the Search field to find and select an account. Skip to this step. Refer to Search Feature for more information about using the Search feature.

  1. Select Customer Billing from the Gotransverse application menu Module menu icon.

    You may see a Customers and an Accounts tab or just the Accounts window, depending on the value for the Allow Multi-Customer Accounts Billing system setting. The Allow Multi-Customer Accounts system setting must be set to True to see both tabs. If this system setting is set to False, you will only see the Accounts window while in the Customers module. Refer to System Settings for more information about configuring system settings.

  2. Select a customer from the list or search for a customer from the Search field to open the Customer Summary window.

    To quickly access a customer or billing account, click thequick search icon icon on the title bar (on either the Customers or Accounts window) and enter part of the customer or billing account name. If you do not see the Accounts tab, you can still search for a billing account from the Customers window by entering part of the number in the Search field. You can also bookmark regularly-used pages. Refer to Search Feature for more information.

    Customers Window

    Customers Window

    Click the collapse icon icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the icon to open it.

    You can manage which columns display in any table with a Configure or Columns button by clicking the button and selecting desired columns. In addition. If the table includes a Filter button, you can filter the table contents. If the table includes an Export button, you can export visible table contents (up to 50) to a CSV (comma-separated values) file. Refer to Data Tables for more information about using these features.

  3. On the Customer Summary window, select an account under the Accounts detail tab to open the Account Details window.

    Customer Summary Window

    Customer Summary Window

  4. On the Account Details window, click the Orders tab to view a list of created orders.

    Orders Tab

    Orders Tab

    To configure which columns display in the table, click Configure to open a drop-down list. Select or deselect column names. Click Restore Defaults to reset to the default columns. Click outside the drop-down list to close it. You can also export table contents to a CSV file by clicking Export. Only the records shown in the current view (maximum of 50 records) are exported. To export more or all records, change the number of records shown per page or export each page.

  5. To see the details of an order, select one from the list to open the Order Details window.

    Order Information Window

    Order Details Window

    NOTE: If you use the Avalara Communications Tax processor, your Order Items section will include the tax mode for both recurring and one-time prices in the Recurring Tax Mode and One-Time Tax Mode columns, respectively.

    Order Items Section - Avalara Communications Tax

    Order Items Section - Avalara Communications Tax Processor

    The information section can be collapsed or expanded by clicking the or icons, respectively.

    The Order Information window includes the following information and detail tabs:

    • Status (next to Order number at top) — The status of the order. Possible statuses include:

      • Approved: The order is approved, if approval was required. The order can be completed as entered. Approval is separate from completion.

      • Completed: The order has completed processing successfully and has no error and is not canceled. Order details can be viewed from the Order details window. You can click the Reprint Receipt button to print another copy of the order receipt.

      • Draft: The order was saved as a draft instead of placed. A draft order can be edited, confirmed to place the order, or voided to cancel the order.

      • In Progress: If any actions are available, you can finish incomplete actions, such as the order being Approved. The order can be completed after the action has been taken.

      • Canceled: The order was in external review and the payment failed, canceling the order.

    • Order Information — Displays general information about the order:

      • ID: Order ID.

      • Order Number: The order number generated by the system.

      • Order Date: The date when the order was placed. You can select this field on order creation. An order date can be backdated to the account creation date or the oldest open bill cycle, if needed. The current date is the default.

      • Order Items: The number of items in the order.

      • PO Number: Purchase order number assigned by order creator.

      • Referral: How the customer was referred to your company for this order.

      • Email Receipt: Indicates whether a customer receives an order confirmation email. Email templates are configured with Notification Templates in the Setup application. Refer to Notification Management Module for more information.

      • Awaiting Approval: Indicates whether an order is awaiting approval. Yes means it is awaiting approval, and No means either that there is no associated order approval or that the order has been approved.

      • Invoice Order: Indicates whether the order was configured to have an invoice generated right after the order was confirmed. Yes means an invoice will be generated after confirmation (creates an On Order invoice type), and No means no invoice will be generated.

    • Order Summary — Displays information about the order charges:

      • Sub Total: The total for items in the order

      • Tax Total: The total for tax in the order.

      • Order Total: The total for the order which includes order items and tax charges.

    • Order Items detail tab — Details about order items. For more details, click the expand icon icon to expand the order item.

      Order Item Expanded

      Order Item Expanded

      If you do not see the Product Name column, click the Configure button above the table to select the column to add it to the table.

      1. To view details about the order item, select the item from the list to open a Service Details window.

        Service Information Window

        Service Details Window

        Refer to View Service Details for more information about this window.

      2. Click the back button in the browser to return to the Order Details window.

  6. Click the Payments detail tab to view all payments submitted with the order.

    To view all payments associated with the billing account, click the Payments tab at the top of the window. Refer to View Account Payments and Payment Details for more information about this window.

    Payments Tab

    Payments Detail Tab

  7. Click the History detail tab to view the history of changes to the order including the order item, change type, and other historical information.

    Order History Tab

    History Detail Tab





Topic updated: 05/2024.