Payments Report Details

The Payments report lists customer payments and the payment details, including the accounts and invoices to which they were applied, as well as transactional details such as authorization and response codes.

The Payments report is a standard report located in the Customer folder of the Reporting Tool found in either the Standard Reports or Reporting applications. The report can be filtered by date range, payment status, payment type, and credit card type. You can specify whether to list only payments or refunds and the dollar amount range for the transaction. The default sort order for this report is Payment Type. For descriptions of the filters you can use, refer to Report Parameters List.

The following table describes the output columns:

Payments Report Output Fields
Column Description

Payment Type

Payment method used to pay the invoice such as cash or credit card.

Payment Time

Time stamp of when the payment was processed.

Payment ID

Unique ID assigned to the payment by Gotransverse.

Account #

Customer account number where the payment is posted.


Name of the person or company associated with this account.

Email Address

Email address associated with the payment.


Currency code of the payment.

Payment Amount

Full amount of the payment.


Amount of the payment that is unallocated to invoices.


Amount of the payment that has been refunded.


Amount of the payment that has been canceled.

Payment Status

Status of the payment such as Pending or Completed.

Response Code

Payment processor's returned response code for the submitted payment.

Authorization Code

Payment processor's returned authorization code for the submitted payment.

Invoice Number

List of invoice number(s) to which the payment is allocated.


Additional information about the transaction, if a description was entered.


Confirmation number returned from the payment processor.

Refund Reason

Refund reason selected if and when the transaction was a refund.

Original Payment ID

Payment ID assigned to the original payment when a payment is retried.

Transaction Number

Transaction number of the payment.

IP Address

IP address of the payment origin, if required by payment processor.


Username logged in to enter the payment.

2 Step Validation On

Indicates whether or not 2 step validation was used to process the payment.

3DS Payment

Indicates whether or not 3D Secure was used to process the payment.

Source Reference

HMAC notification value that indicates which Adyen hosted payment window sent the push payment notification to Gotransverse.




Topic updated: 02/2024.