Report Parameters List

Report parameters help you to filter data and define the information that is returned in your report.

The following table lists the parameters available in the Standard Reports folder of the Reporting Tool (refer to Reporting for more information).

Report Parameters List
Parameter Description Default Value Report
Account Category

Define the account categories to include in the report.


Scheduled Charges

AR Aging Reporting Reports

Invoice — GL Information


Account Number

The unique billing account number of the billing account. Select from a drop-down list or manually enter either a single account number or a comma-separated list of account numbers into the parameter field to report on specific accounts.


Invoice Outstanding Report Details

Customer Balance Report Details

Payment Method Validation

AR Aging Reporting Reports

Backdated Aged AR Report

Taxes (Month)

Email Notification

Invoice — GL Information

Invoice Outstanding Report Details

Payment Method Validation

GL Entry

Unbilled Usage - Pending Charges


The event that occurs when the rule is triggered.

  • Email — An e-mail is sent automatically to a specific email address.

  • Approval — Automatically Approves the Product sale.

  • Web Service — This executes an HTTP request.


Action Configuration

Action Type

The sort of action that has been configured. Actions can be of the following types:

  • Product Sale

  • Service

  • Payment

  • Invoice

  • Agreement Service

  • Usage Rule

  • Refund


Action Configuration

Aging By

Determines whether to age transactions by invoice due date or invoice date.


AR Aging Reporting Reports

Agreement End Action

The event that occurs to the subscription when the Agreement ends.

  • Deactivate Service

  • Renew Agreement

  • Service Only

  • Change Agreement

  • Change Service


Agreement Expiration by Product Report Details

Billing Account Services by Agreement with End Action and Date Report Details

Customer Count by Product

Customer Detail by Agreement Expiration Report Details

Agreement End Date

The date the agreement end action occurs. A range of agreement end dates can be selected.


Agreement Count Report Details

Billing Account Services by Agreement with End Action and Date Report Details

Customer Detail by Agreement Expiration Report Details

Agreement Name

The name of the agreement associated with the product/service. The product might have more than one agreement, and you need to specify which one by using its name. A service has only one agreement.


Agreement Count Report Details

Billing Account Services by Agreement with End Action and Date Report Details

Customer Detail by Agreement Expiration Report Details

Agreement Processing Status

Status of the agreement in relation to a service. Options include:

  • Active

  • Processed

  • Processed — No action taken.


Billing Account Services by Agreement with End Action and Date Report Details


The dollar range of the payment amount on which to report.



AR Ledger ID

The unique ID of an AR Ledger


Journal Entry Review by Service

As Of Date

The end date for the report data. Data values shown in the report are as of this date.


AR Aging Reporting Reports

Authority Levels

Authority levels to include in the report.


Security Role Profile

Balance (Account)

The amount of the balance of each account to include in the report.


Invoice Outstanding Report Details

Bill Cycle

The bill cycles to include in the report.


Customer Balance Report Details

Bill Cycle Details

Bill Cycle Name

The bill cycle by name to include in the report.


Invoice Outstanding Report Details

Bill Cycle Run

The bill cycle run to summarize.


Invoice Details Report Details

Billing Account Category

The defined billing account categories to include in the report.


Billing Account Services by Agreement with End Action and Date Report Details

Customer Balance Report Details

Invoice Outstanding Report Details

Net Service Change

Invoice Details Report Details

GL Entry

Billing Account Number

The unique billing account number of the billing account. Select from a drop-down lists or manually enter either a single account number or a comma-separated list of account numbers into the parameter field to report on specific accounts.


Billing Account Services by Agreement with End Action and Date Report Details

Billing Account Status

The billing account statuses to include in the report:

  • Active — The account is active and can be used by the customer.

  • Collection — The account has been transferred to a collection process.

  • Deactivated — The account is not active, which is beyond Suspended but not yet Final Bill or Closed.

  • Final Bill — The account is deactivated and the customer is awaiting the final bill.

  • Pending — The account is being created and is not yet ready to use

  • Suspended — The account is not active and cannot be used by the customer, but the customer can make payments.


Customer Balance Report Details


The customer's activities usage that counts towards an allowance as defined by the activity rule.


Allowance Threshold Exceeded

Created On From Date

Report begins at this creation date for journal entries associated with a transaction.


GL Entry

Create On To Date

Report ends at this creation date for journal entries associated with a transaction.


GL Entry


Currency to be displayed in the report.


AR Aging Reporting Reports

Days Open

The number of days in thirty day increments for which the invoice is open and unpaid.


Invoice Outstanding Report Details

Days Overdue

The number of days an invoice is overdue to be included in the report. You can specify the number of days late.



End (Date)

The ending date for the report. The report includes all occurrences between the Start Date and the End Date. All payments made up to and including this date are included in the report.


Agreement Expiration by Product Report Details

Customer Balance Report Details


Product Sales Report

Upcoming Invoice

Scheduled Charges

Event Start Date From

The start date for the report. The report includes all occurrences between the Event Start Date From and the Event Start Date To.


Invoiced Usage

Event Start Date To

The end date for the report. The report includes all occurrences between the Event Start Date From and the Event Start Date To.


Invoiced Usage

Expiration Date From

The starting date for the report. All invoices created between the Expiration Date From and the Expiration Date To are included in the report. All invoices created on and after this date are included in the report.


Customer Detail by Agreement Expiration Report Details

Expiration Date To

The end date for the report. All invoices created between the Expiration Date From and the Expiration Date To are included in the report. The default is today's date.


Customer Detail by Agreement Expiration Report Details

From Date

The start date for the report.


Payment Method Validation


The payment processor used to preauthorize automatic payments.


Payment Method Validation

GL Account

The unique ID for a GL account.


Journal Entry Review by Service

GL Account Category

The defined GL account categories to include in the report.


GL Entry

GL Account Designation

The designation of a GL Account. Options are None, Cash, Unbilled AR, Billed AR, AR Reserve, Sales Reserve, Contract Asset, Customer Prepaid Liability, Sales Tax Liability, Deferred Revenue, Equity, Recognized Revenue, Sales Allowance, Bank Fee, and Sales Tax Expense.


Journal Entry Review by Service

GL Account Number

The account number designated for a GL account when setting up a Chart of Accounts. Select All or enter either a single account number or a comma-separated list of account numbers into the parameter field to report on specific accounts.


GL Entry

How Many Month

Indicates the span of months the report will cover.


Agreement Expiration by Product Report Details

Include Debit Adjustments?

Indicates whether to include debit adjustments in the report data.


AR Aging Reporting Reports

Invoice Date From

The starting date for the report. All invoices created between the Invoice Date From and the Invoice Date To are included in the report. All invoices created on and after this date are included in the report.


Invoice Details Report Details

Invoice Date To

The ending date for the report. All invoices created between the Invoice Date From and the Invoice Date To are included in the report. All invoices created up to and including this date are included in the report.


Invoice Details Report Details

Invoice Number

An invoice number to include in the report. Select All or enter an invoice number to include in the report.


Invoice Details Report Details


Indicates whether the scheduled charges have been Invoiced yet. Select All to return invoiced and not yet invoiced scheduled charges.


Scheduled Charges


The month for which you wish to run the report.


Net Service Change

Account Upgrade/Downgrade

Month Duration Or Date Range?

Indicates whether to use a span of months or a date range for the report.


Agreement Expiration by Product Report Details

Need Time Frame For Approval Date?

Indicates that you are using a time span on which to report. If you select Yes, then enter Start and End dates.


Pending Order with Approvals

Scheduled Charges

Occurred On From Date

Report begins at this effective date for financial transactions.


GL Entry

Occurred On To Date

Report ends at this effective date for financial transactions.


GL Entry

Or Select Start Date

The starting date for the report. The report will include all occurrences between the Start date and the End date.


Agreement Expiration by Product Report Details

Order Item Status

The status of the orders included in the report:

  • All Statuses — Shows both Completed and In Progress orders.

  • Completed — Shows orders that have finished the sales process.

  • In Progress — Shows orders that continue to be in the sales process.

All Statuses

Product Sales Report

Output Type

The format (output-target) in which you want the report to appear. The browser window displays only reports created using the HTML (Paginated) format, the HTML (Single Page) format, and the Text format. All other formats require a separate application to display the report.


  • HTML (Paginated) format

  • HTML (Single Page) format

  • PDF format

  • Excel spreadsheet (*.XLS) format

  • Excel 2007 spreadsheet (*.XLSX) format

  • Comma Separated Value (CSV) format

  • Rich-Text-Format (RTF) format

  • Text format

HTML (Paginated)

All reports

Payment Card Type

If a credit card was used to make the payment, the type of credit card that was used:

  • All Card Types

  • AMEX

  • Discover

  • MasterCard

  • Visa

All Card Types


Payment Or Refund

Indicates whether to report on transactions that are payments or refunds.



Payment Type

The type of payment:

  • All Types

  • Cash

  • Credit Card

  • Bank Draft

  • PayPal

  • Check

  • Wire Transfer

All Types


Percentage Of

Indicates the amount of usage as a percentage of the configured threshold.


Allowance Threshold Exceeded

Product Category

Product category of a service.


Billing Account Services by Agreement with End Action and Date Report Details

Product (Name)

The product that was sold and included in this report. All your company's active products are listed in the drop-down list.

All Products

Product Sales Report

Customer Count by Product

Customer Detail by Agreement Expiration Report Details

Product Configuration

Product Type

Specifies the kind of product defined by configuration, such as the following:

  • Gotransverse Subscription — Available for proprietor accounts. The tenant product.

  • Subscription — A product that has a recurring charge.

  • One-Time — A product that is not a recurring subscription.

  • Add-On — A product that does not stand alone and is an enhancement to another product.


Product Configuration

Reference ID

The reference ID of a usage event.


Unbilled Usage - Pending Charges


The person, company, or website name that referred the customer to your company.


Customer Detail by Agreement Expiration Report Details

Results Presentation

Indicates how to display results. Selections depend on the selected report.



Billing History By Customer or Product

Revenue Range

The ranges in dollars in which the customer lifetime values are reported.


Customer Lifetime Value

Scheduled Approval

Shows those orders that are scheduled for approval during the specified time range.


Pending Order with Approvals

Service Status

Indicates whether the service is in use or is no longer in use by the customer.

  • Active — The service is in use.

  • Deactivated — The service is no longer in use.


Customer Detail Report Details

Product Detail

Service ID

The unique ID of a service.


Journal Entry Review by Service

Service Period From

The starting date for the service. The report lists all service that was consumed by the customer between the Service Period From date and the Service Period To date.

For billing purposes, the service provided may encompass starting and ending dates that do not match the invoice dates.


Invoice Details Report Details

Service Period To

The ending date for the service. The report lists all service that was consumed by the customer between the Service Period From date and the Service Period To date.

For billing purposes, the service provided may encompass starting and ending dates that do not match the invoice dates.


Invoice Details Report Details

Service Resource Identifier (SRID)

Include the SRID - an identifier assigned to usage so that it matches with the correct services.


Invoiced Usage

Sequence ID

The sequence ID of a usage event.


Unbilled Usage - Pending Charges

Show Enabled Only

Returns the actions that are on and executed when the rule parameters are met.


Action Configuration


The starting date for the report. The report will include all occurrences between the Start date and the End date.


Customer Balance Report Details


Product Sales Report

Start Month

Select the month to define the start of the date range of the report.


Journal Entry by Service

Status (Payment)

The current processing state of the payment transaction:

  • All Statuses — Shows payment transactions with every status. If selected, the payments are grouped by status.

  • Canceled — The payment was stopped before it was processed.

  • Completed — The payment has completed its processing successfully without errors.

  • Connection Test Failed — The test transaction with the payment processor was not successful.

  • Connection Test Succeeded — The test transaction with the payment processor was successful.

  • Draft — The payment is in the creation stage and has not been set to process. The payment cannot process in Draft status, and any details of the payment can be changed in Draft status.

  • Merchant Verification — The payment is in the process of merchant verification.

  • Merchant Verification Failed — The payment failed during merchant verification for a reason that may include technical issues.

  • Processing — The payment is actively currently processing.

  • Processing Error — The payment has not completed successfully and has erred.

  • Void — The payment has been voided BEFORE it was settled.

All Statuses


Status (Pre-authorization)

The status of the pre-authorization of credit cards used in automatic payments.


Payment Method Validation

Status (Product)

Indicates whether the product is in one of the following states:

  • Draft — The product has been entered into the system but is not yet available for sale.

  • Available — The product is available and can be sold.

  • Not Available — The product is no longer for sale because support has ended or it has been canceled.


Product Configuration

Status (System Configuration)

The state of the system parameters to display on the report:

  • Active — The parameter is in use.

  • Canceled — The parameter is not in use and cannot be brought back.

  • Suspended — The parameter is temporarily not in use.


System Configuration

Summary Only

Select one of the following choices:

  • Summary only — Shows only the totals.

  • Summary and Detail — Shows each account that has an outstanding invoice, as well as the totals.


Invoice Outstanding Report Details

Thru Date

The end date for this report.


Payment Method Validation

Transaction Trigger

The event that triggers a GL entry. For example: on payment, on invoice, or on revenue recognition. The default is All.


GL Entry

Transaction Type

Type of transaction to include.


GL Entry


The year for which you wish to run the report.


Net Service Change

Account Upgrade/Downgrade