Standard Reports

Standard reports are predefined reports that you can use immediately. You can also filter a report by specific information that is relevant to your business. Each report includes a set of filters (parameters) with default values, which you can modify as needed.

Refer to Report Parameters List for a list of all filter parameters used in reports.

Gotransverse provides standard reports in the following categories:

  • AR Aging Reporting Reports — Provides information about billing accounts with overdue payments as of a specified date.These reports are found in the AR_Aging_Reporting folder.

  • Billings Reports — Details invoices that are becoming due, currently due, and past due. These reports are found in the Billings folder.

  • Customer Reports — Shows visibility into your customers' purchases, agreements, and value. These reports are found in the Customer folder.

  • GL 2.0 and GL 3.0 Reports — Provides account receivables information about invoices due and payment activity, focusing on revenue recognition. These reports are found in the GL_2.0 and GL_3.0 folders.

  • Order Reports — Includes details about customer orders. These reports are found in the Order folder.

  • System Admin Reports — Shows specifics about your Gotransverse system setup. These reports are found in the System_Admin folder.

The Account folder was removed in August 2023. Reports that were in the Account folder are now located in the Billings, Customer, GL_2.0, and GL_3.0 folders.




Topic updated: 02/2024.