
The Reportingapplicationcontains over 80 standard reports provided by Gotransverse, as well as any custom and user-created reports. These reports provide insight into the health of your business based on your Gotransverse data. For example, the Service Detail Report, a standard report, lists any service upgrades and downgrades for a designated time period that can help you identify trends over time.

The Gotransverse reporting tool provides a way for you to view and analyze details about your customers, transactions, and system setup. Reports can be viewed, printed, emailed, or exported to provide you with the insight on how your business is performing. You can use the reporting tool to run predefined standard reports or to create new Interactive reports.

Gotransverse is in process of deprecating the current Interactive reports option. As part of this process, the use of Interactive reports will be limited to currently contracted customers who have actively used these reports between January 1, 2024, and June 1, 2024.

Refer to GTV-Connector for more information on retrieving data files on an automated schedule via GTV-Connector extracts. These extracts can be used to deliver custom data extracts to SFTP or S3.

The reporting tool can be accessed using either the Reporting or the Standard Reports link in the Gotransverse application menu Module menu icon.

Gotransverse provides the following types of reports:

  • Standard Reports — Standard reports are predefined reports that you can use immediately. You can also filter a report by specific information that is relevant to your business. Each report includes a set of filters (parameters) with default values, which you can modify as needed.

  • Interactive Reports — The Interactive Reports folder includes any Interactive reports that you have created.

  • Custom Reports — Custom reports are provided to your company by Gotransverse upon your request. This type of report is optional and is located inside the folder labeled with your company name. This folder is not shown if there are no Custom Reports available. Gotransverse also offers Premier Data Access, which uses either Snowflake, your preferred tool, or a SQL tool with a Snowflake connector to query and view large amounts of your Gotransverse data, such as product catalog, tax, and payment data. Contact Gotransverse Technical Support for more information about custom reports or Premier Data Access.

Refer to the Gotransverse Reports Knowledge Base article for more information about available reports.

Refer to the Premier Data Access Knowledge Base article for more information about Premier Data Access.





Topic updated: 06/2024.