Product Sales Report

The Product Sales report displays a detailed view of each product that has been purchased within the defined time period. This report shows whether the customer is a first-time or repeat buyer, and the details each purchased product per buyer. You can use information from this report to examine product sales. This report also assesses which products are performing better than others.

The Product Sales report is a standard report located in the Orders folder of the Reporting Tool found in either the Standard Reports or Reporting applications. The default sort order for this report is by Sales Date. For descriptions of the filters you can use, refer to Report Parameters List.

The following table describes the output columns.

Product Sales Report Output Columns
Column Description

Sale Date

The date and time the order was placed.

Order #

The unique order number.

Billing Account #

The billing account number of your customer who placed the order.

Party Name

Name of the person or company associated with this account.

Is New Account(Y/N)

Indicates whether the account is new.

Product Name

The name of the product or service sold.


Short description of the product.

Order Item Sequence

A sequence is used to uniquely identify an order item in an order. For example, if an order has three items, they would be identified as sequence 1, 2, and 3. Sequences are used to identify the order item for which an approve or deny action is used.


The amount for the individual item that the customer needs to pay.

Order Status

The state of the order:

  • Completed

  • In Progress

  • Fulfillment

Order Type

The type of order:

  • Sales

  • Renewal

  • Change



Topic updated: 02/2024.