Billing Account Services by Agreement with End Action and Date Report Details

The Billing Account Services by Agreement with End Action and Date report shows a list of services that are associated with an agreement. The services are grouped by agreement name with a subtotal of the service amounts and the count of unique billing accounts for each agreement name.

The Billing Account Services by Agreement with End Action and Date report is a standard report located in the Customer folder of the Reporting Tool found in either the Standard Reports or Reporting applications. The default sort order for this report is grouped by Agreement Name and then sorted by billing account number. For descriptions of the filters you can use, refer to Report Parameters List.

The following table describes the output columns of the report:

Billing Account Service Report Output Fields
Column Description

Billing Account Category

Billing account category of the billing account associated with the service.

Billing Account Number

Billing account number associated with the service.

Customer Name

Name of the person or company associated with the service.

Service ID

ID number of the service. Unique to each service.

Service Name

Name of the service or product the customer has purchased.

Product Category

Product category associated with the service.

Agreement Name

Name of the agreement associated with the service.

Agreement Processing Status

Status of the agreement:

  • Active

  • Processed

  • Processed — No action taken

Agreement End Action

Action taken when the service’s agreement expires:

  • Renew Agreement

  • Service Only

  • Deactivate Service

  • Change Agreement

  • CPQ Managed

Agreement End Date

Date the agreement end action occurs.


Currency code of service amount.

Service Amount

Amount of the service per service period.

Billing Account Count

Total number of unique billing accounts for each agreement name.