Approvals for Orders with Payments in External Review

A payment is put in External Review status when the payment is processed through the bank and the response from the bank indicates that the bank is waiting for approval or denial from the merchant. If the merchant approves, the bank (the merchant processor) sends a response to the Gotransverse billing system showing that the payment succeeded. If the merchant denies the payment, the bank's response indicates that the payment failed.

When Gotransverse does not have a payment success or failure decision from the bank for a related order, the billing system can put the order on hold pending either a success or failure response from the bank, or manual approval or denial of the order at the order header level.

The billing system must be configured to trigger approval actions for orders with payments in external review.

When configured properly, order header approvals are available for sales orders and renewal orders with an associated payment in External Review status if you use a Stripe, Cybersource, or External (mobile carrier) payment gateway (refer to Payment Gateways).

Once the payment succeeds or fails, Gotransverse will take action on the related order. If you want to resolve the order approval prior to the bank returning payment success or failure, you can choose to manually approve or deny the order. For example, you may have a long-standing history of successful payments from the customer and the order needs to process quickly, so you choose to manually approve the order header.

The order will not complete if the payment fails or you choose to manually deny the order. Order completion can also be subject to approvals on individual order items.

Order Awaiting Approval

Order Awaiting Approval

Refer to the following topics for additional information about working with orders in external review: