Account Details Window Components

The Account Details window is a centralized place to view and manage account billing information for a customer. For each account, you can view the history of services and transactions (including orders, invoices, payments, and adjustments), accept payments, manage customer information, and create adjustments without ever leaving the Account Details window.

Account Window

Account Details Window

The main components of the Account Details window include the following (numbers correspond to the image above):

If the Allow Multi-Customer Accounts Billing system setting is set to False, the Account Details window will be slightly different. It will include three additional detail tabs: Addresses, Phone Numbers, and Emails.

Account Details Window - Allow Multi-Customer Accounts System Setting is False

Account Details Window - Allow Multi-Customer Accounts System Setting is False

Account Details Window Components




The Customer drop-down menu includes actions to modify the customer, add accounts, or open a summary view. Above the drop-down menu is the customer name and number. If an external customer number exists, it appears to the right of the customer number. This menu is also available on the Customer Summary window (refer to Customer Summary Window Components).

Customer Drop-down Menu

Customer Drop-down Menu

If the Allow Multi-Customer Accounts Billing system setting is set to False, this drop-down menu will only include the Edit Customer option.


The Account drop-down menu provides the most common account-level actions. The options on this menu apply to the account you are viewing.

Account Drop-downMenu

Account Drop-down Menu


Tabs at the top of the window show the details of the account on individual windows. Additionally, you can view at-a-glance information about the account, such as the current balance.

  • Summary — Shows the account information that was collected when the account was created, as well as access to common tasks associated with an account.

  • Orders — Lists all the orders the customer has made on this account. Select an order to view order details. Refer to Orders Module for more information.

  • Services — Shows the services that the customer has ordered. Select a service to view service details. Refer to Services Module for more information.

  • Invoices — Shows the invoices that have been created and sent to the customer. Select an invoice to view invoice details. Refer to Invoices Module for more information.

  • Payments — List the payments made by the customer. Select a payment to view payment details. Refer to Payments Module for more information.

  • Adjustment — Lists any adjustments that have been made on the account. Select an adjustment to view adjustment details. Refer to Account Adjustments for more information.

  • More — Menu options for Tax Exemptions, Pending Charges, Stored Value Registers, and Manual Charges. Refer to Account Tax Exemptions, Pending Charges, Account Stored Value Registers, and Account Manual Charges.


Customer Information includes information about the customer that was entered when the customer was created. To edit information about the customer, select Edit Customer from the Customer drop-down menu. Also refer to Edit Customer.

Billing Account Information includes the details that you collected when you created the account.

Account Payment Information reflects the payment and billing terms set up for this account.

To edit details in either Billing Account Information or Account Payment Information, click Edit Account from the Accounts drop-down menu. Also refer to Edit Billing Account.


Detail tabs.

  • Payment Methods — Includes payments methods added to this account. Refer to Payment Methods for more information.

  • Child Accounts — List of the child accounts that belong to this account. Refer to Parent and Child Accounts for more information.

  • Managed Accounts — List of managed account that have been added to this account. Refer to Responsible and Managed Accounts for more information.

  • History — List of changes made to this account.