Payment Methods

The payment method refers to the kind of payment your customers use to make payments, such as a credit card or a bank draft. You can specify the payment method that a billing account accepts for one-time payments or auto-payments.

Credit card and bank draft payment methods require credit card or bank information when creating a payment method on an account. Once created, the payment method cannot be changed. Instead, when you edit the payment method, the system will end date the payment method you were editing, create a new payment method, and the original payment method can no longer be used.

Cash and checks are supported by default for every payment gateway. There does not need to be a payment method on an account for cash and check payment methods. Refer to Payment Gateways and Payment Methods in the Admin section of this user guide for a list of gateways and the payment methods they use.

Gotransverse supports multiple active payment methods on a single billing account, one of which can be designated as an auto-payment method. Electronic payments, such as credit cards, are used for auto-payments. An electronic payment is any kind of non-cash payment. The auto-payment method for a billing account is the default payment method used when automatic payments are initiated. You must also configure the account to be eligible for auto-payment to have the system process auto-payments using that payment method.

In order for the billing account to be set up for automated payments, one electronic payment method must be set as the Auto Payment method on the billing account, and the billing account must be set up to make automated payments. If a billing account is set up with an auto-payment method that has expired, no auto-payments will be created, but the billing account will still show as set to make auto-payments.

When making a payment on an account, you can specify any active payment method (including cash or check) that has been created, including the auto-payment method. You can also select a payment method when creating a manual payment. Refer to Create and Post Payment for more information.

Available payment methods are typically created by an administrator.

Payment methods include:

  • Cash

  • Check

  • Credit Card

  • Bank Draft

  • PayPal — Only available for Braintree payment gateway.

  • Wire Transfer

  • Direct Debit

  • Custom — Only available for Custom payment gateway.

  • SEPA Direct Debit — Only available for Stripe payment gateway and the EUR currency.

  • SEPA Direct Debit EM — Only available for File Payment gateway.

  • Hosted Payment Method — Only available for Adyen payment gateway.


  • For payment processors other than Stripe and Gocardless, payments submitted with the Bank Draft or any of the Direct Debit payment methods will always be approve initially. If the bank ultimately rejects the payment, the bank will not notify Gotransverse, and it will be your responsibility to cancel the payment in Gotransverse.

  • Both Stripe and Gocardless offer a webhook to issue a response to Bank Draft or any of the Direct Debit payment requests. The payment will immediately go into External Review and ultimately will be marked as either Completed (for approvals) or Processing Error (for declines).

  • If you are using the Payment Matching application, the Bank Draft or any of the Direct Debit rejections may be included in the bank files submitted. You can configure Payment Matching to post or ignore these rejections, depending on your payment processor. Refer to Transaction Files Module section under Payment Matching in the user guide.

The kind of payment methods available are based on which payment gateway or gateways are integrated in your tenant. Some payment gateways available in Gotransverse do not represent an online processor, such as Cash and Check, and some are used with a user’s internal payment process.

The different types of payment methods are used as the basis for payment methods configured on a billing account. Payment method are defined on a payment gateway for whatever payment methods are supported by that gateway. Payment gateways, as well as payment methods, are configured in the Admin application’s Integration module. Refer to Payment Gateways for more information about payment gateways and defining the different types of payment methods.

Payment methods can also be created and managed in the Accounts application. Refer to Payment Methods for more information.

Refer to the following topics for additional information about working with payment methods in the Payments module:



Topic updated: 12/2023.