Create and Post Payment

You can create and post a payment for a billing account in the Customer Billing application.

You are unable to post a transaction to a billing account if the payment date is backdated into a closed bill cycle or if the payment gateway for certain payment methods, like PayPal or credit card, is not configured correctly.

The Enable payment backdating Payment system setting will allow you to post into a closed bill cycle period. If this system setting is enabled, invoices will not include the Statement section. This system setting is set by Gotransverse Technical Support. Refer to System Settings for more information about how to configure system settings in the Admin application.

To ensure that you do not have these issues while posting a payment transaction, ensure both of the following are true:

  • The payment date on a payment transaction is set to an open bill cycle period or the Enable payment backdating Payment system setting is enabled. Refer to System Settings for more information about this setting.

  • A payment method with the same currency as the billing account is added to the gateway.

Complete the following steps to create and post a payment:

If you know the account number, click the Accounts tab, if visible. Use the Search field to find and select an account. Skip to this step. Refer to Search Feature for more information about using the Search feature.

  1. Select Customer Billing from the Gotransverse application menu Module menu icon.

    Customers Window

    Customers Window

    You may see a Customers and an Accounts tab or just the Accounts window, depending on the value for the Allow Multi-Customer Accounts Billing system setting. The Allow Multi-Customer Accounts system setting must be set to True to see both tabs. If this system setting is set to False, you will only see the Accounts window while in the Customers module. Refer to System Settings for more information about configuring system settings.

  2. Select a customer from the list or search for a customer from the Search field to open the Customer Summary window.

    To quickly access a customer or billing account, click thequick search icon icon on the title bar (on either the Customers or Accounts window) and enter part of the customer or billing account name or number. If you do not see the Accounts tab, you can still search for a billing account from the Customers window by entering part of the name or number in the Search field. You can also bookmark regularly-used pages. Refer to Search Feature for more information.

    Customer Summary Window

    Customer Summary Window

    Click the collapse icon icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the icon to open it.

    You can manage which columns display in any table with a Configure or Columns button by clicking the button and selecting desired columns. In addition. If the table includes a Filter button, you can filter the table contents. If the table includes an Export button, you can export visible table contents (up to 50) to a CSV (comma-separated values) file. Refer to Data Tables for more information about using these features.

  3. On the Customer Summary window, complete one of the following steps:

    1. On the line for the account you wish to add a payment, click the ellipsis ellipsis icon icon in the Actions column, and select Create Payment to open the Edit Billing Account window.

      Customer Summary Window - Create Payment

      Edit Account Option

    2. OR, select an account under the Accounts tab to open the Account Details window. Select Create Payment from the Account drop-down menu to open the Create Payment window.

      Account Drop-down Menu - Create Payment Option

      Account Drop-down Menu - Create Payment Option

  4. On the Create Payment window, enter the required and relevant payment information:

    Create Payment Window

    Create Payment Window

    Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

    The You can add a recurring payment method here link will open a Create Account Payment Method window and close the Create Payment window. Any information added in the previous window will be lost.

    • Mark for Settlements checkbox Select to automatically authorize and settle the payment. This checkbox is selected by default. When submitted, the payment moves to Completed status.

      If the Mark for Settlements checkbox is not selected, the payment is authorized but not settled. When submitted, the payment moves to Authorized status, and the payment will need to be either settled to exchange funds or voided. Refer to Authorized Payments for more information about payments that do not have this checkbox selected.

    • Amount* — Enter the amount of payment. Alternatively, before entering the amount, you can select the invoices to pay in the Payment Application section, and the Amount field will update to the total balance of the invoices selected.

    • Payment Method* — Select the payment method. The payment method selected will determine the remaining fields available to complete the payment.

      The payment methods listed in the Payment Method drop-down list depends on the gateways, payment methods, and currency of the billing account that were set up in the Admin application for the account. Refer to Integration Module and Payment Gateways and for more information.

      • Bank Draft payment method:

        Bank Draft Payment Method

        Bank Draft Payment Method

        • Mark for Settlements checkbox: Select to automatically authorize and settle the payment. This checkbox is selected by default. When submitted, the payment moves to Completed status.

          If the Mark for Settlements checkbox is not selected, the payment is authorized but not settled. When submitted, the payment moves to Authorized status, and the payment will need to be either settled to exchange funds or voided. Refer to Authorized Payments for more information about payments that do not have this checkbox selected.

        • Account Type*: Select the type of account from which the payment will be drawn (Savings or Checking).

        • Bank Name*: Enter the name of the bank.

        • Bank Routing Number*: Enter the 9-digit routing number on the bottom left corner of the check.

        • Bank Account Number*: Enter the customer's account number.

        • Account Holder Name: Enter the account holder name.

        • Use Billing Address: Select to use the same address as the billing address on the account or leave unchecked to enter a new address.

      • Cash payment method:

        Cash Payment Method

        Cash Payment Method

        • Mark for Settlements checkbox: Select to automatically authorize and settle the payment. This checkbox is selected by default. When submitted, the payment moves to Completed status.

          If the Mark for Settlements checkbox is not selected, the payment is authorized but not settled. When submitted, the payment moves to Authorized status, and the payment will need to be either settled to exchange funds or voided. Refer to Authorized Payments for more information about payments that do not have this checkbox selected.

        • Posted On*: The date when the payment is posted. Depending on your configuration, you might be able to backdate a payment up to the last bill cycle run if the Enable payment backdating Payment system setting is enabled. This setting is set by Gotransverse Technical Support. Refer to System Settings for more information about how to configure system settings in the Admin application.

      • Check payment method:

        Check Payment Method

        Check Payment Method

        • Mark for Settlements checkbox: Select to automatically authorize and settle the payment. This checkbox is selected by default. When submitted, the payment moves to Completed status.

          If the Mark for Settlements checkbox is not selected, the payment is authorized but not settled. When submitted, the payment moves to Authorized status, and the payment will need to be either settled to exchange funds or voided. Refer to Authorized Payments for more information about payments that do not have this checkbox selected.

        • Name: Enter the customer's name as it appears on the checking account.

        • Routing Number: Enter the 9-digit routing number on the bottom left corner of the check.

        • Account Number: Enter the customer's checking account number.

        • Check Number*: The number of the check from the upper right corner of the check.

        • Posted On*: The date when the payment is posted. Depending on your configuration, you might be able to backdate a payment up to the last bill cycle run.

      • Credit Card payment method:

        It is highly recommended that you use a merchant that offers tokens for recurring and one-time payments.

        Credit Card Payment Method

        Credit Card Payment Method

        The You can add a recurring payment method here link will open a Create Account Payment Method window and close the Create Payment window. Any information added in the previous window will be lost.

        • Mark for Settlements checkbox: Select to automatically authorize and settle the payment. This checkbox is selected by default. When submitted, the payment moves to Completed status.

          If the Mark for Settlements checkbox is not selected, the payment is authorized but not settled. When submitted, the payment moves to Authorized status, and the payment will need to be either settled to exchange funds or voided. Refer to Authorized Payments for more information about payments that do not have this checkbox selected.

        • First Name*: Enter the first name of the person on the credit card.

        • Last Name*: Enter the last name of the person on the credit card.

        • Card Number*: Enter the number on the credit card (16 digits for most cards).

        • Expiration Date*: Enter the expiration date of the credit card.

        • CVV*: Enter the 3- or 4-digit verification number of the card.

        • Same as Billing: Select to use the same address as the billing address on the account or leave unchecked to enter a new address.

      • Custom payment method:

        Custom Transfer Payment Method

        Custom Transfer Payment Method

        • Mark for Settlements checkbox: Select to automatically authorize and settle the payment. This checkbox is selected by default. When submitted, the payment moves to Completed status.

          If the Mark for Settlements checkbox is not selected, the payment is authorized but not settled. When submitted, the payment moves to Authorized status, and the payment will need to be either settled to exchange funds or voided. Refer to Authorized Payments for more information about payments that do not have this checkbox selected.

        • Reference: Enter the reference information or number to be included on the payment.

        • Posted On*: The date when the payment is posted. Depending on your configuration, you might be able to backdate a payment up to the last bill cycle run.

      • Direct Debit payment method:

        You must create a recurring payment method on the account to use this payment method. Refer to View Payment Methods or Add Payment Method for more information.

        • Account Owner Name*: Enter the customer's name as it appears on the bank account.

        • BSB Number*: Enter the 6-digit bank routing number.

        • Account Number*: Enter the customer's bank account number.

        • Email: Enter the customer's email address.

        • Set as Auto-Payment: Select to designate this payment method for auto-payments.

        • Same as Billing: Select to use the same address as the billing address on the account or leave unchecked to enter a new address.

      • Mobile Carrier payment method:

        Mobile Transfer Payment Method

        Mobile Transfer Payment Method

        • Mark for Settlements checkbox: Select to automatically authorize and settle the payment. This checkbox is selected by default. When submitted, the payment moves to Completed status.

          If the Mark for Settlements checkbox is not selected, the payment is authorized but not settled. When submitted, the payment moves to Authorized status, and the payment will need to be either settled to exchange funds or voided. Refer to Authorized Payments for more information about payments that do not have this checkbox selected.

        • MSISDN*: The telephone number to the customer's mobile phone.

        • Mobile Carrier*: The name of mobile network carrier associated with this mobile number.

        • Use Billing Address: Select to use the same address as the billing address on the account or leave unchecked to enter a new address.

      • PayPal payment method:

        Pay Pal Payment Method

        Pay Pal Payment Method

        • Mark for Settlements checkbox: Select to automatically authorize and settle the payment. This checkbox is selected by default. When submitted, the payment moves to Completed status.

          If the Mark for Settlements checkbox is not selected, the payment is authorized but not settled. When submitted, the payment moves to Authorized status, and the payment will need to be either settled to exchange funds or voided. Refer to Authorized Payments for more information about payments that do not have this checkbox selected.

        • Pre Approval Key*: An approval key which is provided to customers when signing in to the PayPal account through any payment process.

      • SEPA Direct Debit EM payment method:

        SEPA Direct Debit EM Payment Method

        SEPA Direct Debit EM Payment Method

        • Mark for Settlements checkbox: Select to automatically authorize and settle the payment. This checkbox is selected by default. When submitted, the payment moves to Completed status.

          If the Mark for Settlements checkbox is not selected, the payment is authorized but not settled. When submitted, the payment moves to Authorized status, and the payment will need to be either settled to exchange funds or voided. Refer to Authorized Payments for more information about payments that do not have this checkbox selected.

        • BIC: Enter the Bank Identifier Code of the customer’s bank.

        • IBAN*: Enter the customer’s International Bank Account Number.

        • Account Name*: Enter the bank account name.

        • Mandate ID*: Enter the reference identifier of the mandate.

        • Mandate Signature Date*: Enter the signature date of the mandate.

        • Email: Enter the customer's email address.

        • Use Billing Address checkbox: Select this checkbox to use the same address as the billing address on the account or leave unchecked to enter a new address.

      • Wire Transfer payment method:

        Wire Transfer Payment Method

        Wire Transfer Payment Method

        • Mark for Settlements checkbox: Select to automatically authorize and settle the payment. This checkbox is selected by default. When submitted, the payment moves to Completed status.

          If the Mark for Settlements checkbox is not selected, the payment is authorized but not settled. When submitted, the payment moves to Authorized status, and the payment will need to be either settled to exchange funds or voided. Refer to Authorized Payments for more information about payments that do not have this checkbox selected.

        • Reference: Reference information or number to include on wire transfer.

        • Posted On*: The date when the payment is posted. Depending on your configuration, you might be able to backdate a payment up to the last bill cycle run.

    • Description — Add any details about the payment.

  5. In the Payment Application section, select the invoice(s) to which you want to apply the payment. Only open invoices for this billing account will display.

  6. Click Submit to save your payment. Alternatively, you can select the Create Another checkbox to save this payment and open a new Create Payment window to create another payment.