Gotransverse UI Security Roles, Authorities, and Limits

Security authorities define the level of access a user has to specific applications, modules, menu options, or actions within Gotransverse by making menu icons and actions visible within the Gotransverse interface. The authorities can be at the application level, at the application’s module level, or at the action within a module level. The Gotransverse security architecture is illustrated in the following graphic:

Gotransverse User Management Security Design

User Roles and Authorities Architectural

The three levels of authorities include:

  • Application Level Authorities — Controls whether an application displays in the Gotransverse application menu Module menu icon, and, if no lower-level authorities are created, they can determine if a user can either perform all actions (full access) or no actions (read-only) within the specific application. The following security authorities are examples of read-only or full access:

    Currently, there are read-only access security authorities only for the Customer Billing, GTV-Connector, and Revenue Management applications.

  • Area/Module/Section Level Authorities – Adds controls to specific areas, modules, or sections of an application that a user could see or have access to. The following security authorities are examples of authorities for specific area, module, or section:

  • Individual Action Level Authorities — Adds controls to specific actions that a user could perform within an applications’ area, module, or section. The following security authorities are examples of authorities for specific actions within a module:

In addition, a user can configure limits for a specific action on certain action-level authorities. Limits allow maximum or minimum values to be set or to, potentially, limit the selection options that a user with the specific limit can make with the action. An example of a limit:

Example Limit
Action Condition Parameter 1 Parameter 2

Revenue Management (GL) - Create Manual Journal Entry


Currency = EUR

Total Debit - Actual >= 1000

For the action of creating a manual journal entry in the Revenue Management application, users with this limit would be prevented from creating manual journal entries in the Euro(EUR) currency with values that, when the total debit is subtracted from the actually debit, are greater than or equal to 1,000 EUR.





Topic updated: 03/2024.