GTV-Connector Security Authorities

User access to the GTV-Connector application is controlled by the security authorities assigned to the user's roles.

One or more of these security authorities are included in the predefined GTVC Role, GTV UI Full Access Role, and System Administrator GTV UI Role.

These security authorities can be filtered by selecting the GTV UI checkbox in the Assign Authorities window. They can also be filtered by either Individual or Aggregate. Refer to Add Authority Level to a Role for more information about this window.

GT UI refers to the applications shown above the line in the application menu menu.

Filter Security Role by GTV UI

Assign Authorities Window

GTV-Connector Security Authorities
Security Authority Name Description Authority Type

GTV Connector - Extract - Admin

Ability to create, edit, and delete Extracts in the GTV-Connector application.


GTV Connector - Extract - Run

Ability to create, edit, and delete Extracts runs in the GTV-Connector application.


GTV Connector - Full access

Full access to the GTV-Connector application.


GTV Connector - Integration - Admin

Ability to create, edit, and delete Integrations and Configurations in the GTV-Connector application.


GTV Connector - Integration - Run

Ability to schedule and create Integration runs in the GTV-Connector application.


GTV Connector - Read-only access

Read-only access to the GTV-Connector application.





Topic updated: 02/2024.