Revenue Management Read-Only Security Authorities

Revenue Management read-only access security authorities enable a user to view the specified module of the Revenue Management application without the ability to perform actions.

These security authorities are included in the predefined Full Read Revenue Management Role.

Read-only security authorities can be combined with individual action level security authorities to enable specific actions within the Revenue Management application. Refer to Revenue Management Individual Action Level Security Authorities for more information.

These security authorities can be filtered by selecting the GTV UI checkbox in the Assign Authorities window. They can also be filtered by either Individual or Aggregate. Refer to Add Authority Level to a Role for more information about this window.

Filter Security Role by GTV UI

Assign Authorities Window

Read-Only Revenue Management Role’s Security Authorities
Security Authority Name Description Authority Type

Revenue Management (GL) — Read-only access

Read-only access to all modules of the Revenue Management application.


Revenue Management (GL) — Read-only access to the AR Ledger Management area

Read-only access to the AR Ledger module, which includes viewing AR ledgers, AR transactions, and accounting calendars.


Revenue Management (GL — Read-only access to the Setup Management area

Read-only access to the Setup module, which includes viewing GL accounts, GL categories, chart of accounts, posting rules, and posting rule sets.


Revenue Management (GL) — Read-only access to the Charge Info Records Management area

Read-only access to the Charge Info Records module, which includes filtering and viewing charge info records.


Revenue Management (GL) — Read-only access to the Run Manager area

Read-only access to the Run Manager module.
