Add Payments to Payment Batch

Add payments to manually created Payment Batches one at a time. The total payments must match the batch amount.

Complete the following steps to add payments to the payment batch:

  1. Select Receivables from the Gotransverse application menu Module menu icon.

    Payment Collection Window

  2. Payment Collection Window

    Click the collapse icon icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the icon to open it.

  3. In the Payment Batches section, click the Batch Number active link of the pending payment batch to open the Payment Batch Details window.

    Payment Batch Details Window

    Payment Batch Details Window

  4. On the Payment Batch Details window, in the Payments section, click the Add button to open the Add/Edit Payment window.

  5. On the Add/Edit Payment window, enter the required and relevant information for the payment:

    Add/Edit Payment Window

    Add/Edit Payment Window

    Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

    • Account #* — The customer's billing account number to ensure that the correct billing account is credited with the payment.

    • Invoice # — Any customer invoices that are currently open are shown in this space. If there are open invoices, the amount paid by the customer is applied against those invoices. If the customer has no open invoices, the amount paid will be credited to the customer's account for future usage.

    • Amount* — The amount of this payment.

    • Post On — Enter the date on which this is to be paid.

    • Description — Enter a description for the payment.

    • Paid By — Select the method of payment used by the customer:

      • Bank Draft: This is the default choice. If you select this option, additional boxes are shown. Enter the following information:

        • Bank Routing #* — Enter the bank's routing number.

        • Bank Account #* — Enter the number of the customer's bank account.

      • Check #: If available, enter the check number.

      • Cash: If you select this option, no additional information is needed.

  6. Click Finish. The payment information is added to the Payments section of the payment batch.

When all payments have been entered you can Post Payment Batch or Edit Payment Batch Details to make changes.

If you make a mistake when adding a payment, you can click Delete next to the payment to delete that payment. A confirmation window opens to confirm your deletion of that payment. Click Yes to delete the payment. You can then reenter the payment.





Topic updated: 02/2025.