Create Payment Retry Batch Manually
Complete the following steps to manually create a payment retry batch:
Select Receivables from the Gotransverse application menu
In the Payment Batches section, click the Batch Number active link of the payment batch to view in a Payment Batch Details window.
Payment Batch Details Window
On the Payment Batch Details window, in the Errant Payment section, click the Create Retry Batch button to open the Create Retry Batch window.
Payment Batch Details Window
On the Create Retry Batch window, select the payment records to add to a new batch file.
Select the Check/Uncheck All checkbox to either select or deselect all payments.
Create Retry Batch Window
Click Finish. The batch files are applied to the customer accounts.
Payment Collection Window
Click the icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the
icon to open it.
Topic updated: 11/2024.