View Payment Batch Details

Complete the following steps to view payment batch details:

  1. Select Receivables from the Gotransverse application menu Module menu icon.

    Payment Collection Window

  2. Payment Collection Window

    Click the collapse icon icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the icon to open it.

  3. In the Payment Batches section, click the Batch Number active link of the payment batch to open the Payment Batch Details window.

  4. On the Payment Batch Details window, perform the following actions:

    Payment Batch Details Window

    Payment Batch Details Window

    TIP: Click the Action button and select Back to List Page to return to the Payment Collection window.

    Back To List Page Option

    Back To List Page Option

    1. In the Payment Batch Details section, review other general information about the batch file including the date the batch file was run, the name of the bill cycle.

      • In the Payment Batch Details section, compare the number of payments included in the batch file (in the Number of Payments field) to the number of successful payments (in the Actual Payment Count field) and the number of failed payments (in the Erred Payment Count field).

      • Review general information about the batch.

    2. Review the payments that completed successfully in the Payments section.

      • The customer's recurring payment information (for example, credit card number and expiry date or bank routing number and account number).

      • The customer's basic information (for example, name and address).

      • On each errant payment record, click the billing account number (in the Account # column) to show the customer's billing account window. In the Billing Account window, verify the information. Update the information, as needed.

      • Examine the information in the Error Message column. The error message will often show the problem that caused the payment to fail.

    3. Resolve any problem in the billing account. Continue with the next erred payment record. When finished, click the Create Retry Batch button to create a new batch file to rerun the failed payment records. Refer to either Create Payment Retry Batch Manually or Create Payment Retry Batch by Filter.

    4. Review and repair individual payment records that failed in the Errant Payments section. Refer to Errant Payments.

    5. Review changes to the payment batch in the History section.





Topic updated: 04/2024.