Errant Payments

Review and repair individual payment records that failed in the Errant Payments section of the Payment Batch Details window:

  • On each errant payment record, click the billing account number (in the Account # column) to open the customer's Billing Account window. In the Billing Account window, verify and, if necessary, update the information.

  • Resolve any problem in the billing account. Continue with the next erred payment record. When finished, click the Create Retry Batch button to create a new batch file to rerun the failed payment records.

The Errant Payments section can be filtered by Account #:

  1. Click the Show Filter button.

    Errant Payments Section - With Filter

    Payment Batches Section - With Filter

  2. Enter all or part of an account number.

  3. Click Filter.

  4. Click Hide Filter to close the filter.

Also refer to Create Payment Retry Batch by Filter for more information on how to filter this table when creating a retry batch.

The Errant Payments section consists of the following information:

Errant Payments Fields
Column Description

Account #

The customer's billing account number.


The amount of the payment submitted.

Paid Date

The date on which the batch payment was paid.

Paid By

The method of payment used by the customer, including, but not limited to Visa or MasterCard.

Payment Information

If no changes were made to the original payment method, the word Same is associated with the payment record; if you made a change to the payment method (for example, an update to the expiry date), the word Changed is associated with the payment record.

Retry Batch

If this erred payment record has been added to a retry batch file, this column shows the identifying number of the retry batch file to which the payment record was added. The batch number corresponds to a number shown in the Batch Number column in the Payment Batches section.

Retry Successful

Shows whether or not the retry was successful.

Error Message

The error message generated by the payment processor that identifies the cause of the failure. If you have questions regarding the error message, see the documentation supplied by your payment processor company.





Topic updated: 04/2024.