Customer and Billing Account Setup

Complete the following steps to set up a customer and its associated billing accounts:

  1. In the Admin application, set the Allow Multi-Customer Accounts system setting to True. When set to True, you can view the Customer Summary window, add additional billing accounts to a customer, and search for customers and accounts via separate Search tabs. Refer to System Settings for more information about how to configure system settings in the Admin application.

    If the Allow Multi-Customer Accounts is set to False, you have one billing account under a customer and can only search by billing account number or customer name on the Search window.

  2. Create Customer and Associated Billing Accounts.

  3. Add Additional Billing Accounts to a Customer.

  4. Change Default Billing Account.

  5. Add addresses, email addresses, and phones numbers to either the customer or billing account.

Refer to the following topics for additional information about working with customer and billing accounts:





Topic updated: 07/2024.