Configure Email Operation for Product Activity Charge Rule Action

The product activity charge rule email notification has one pre-defined type: Threshold Met.

You can also configure the product activity charge rule (also known as a usage rule) email notification action in the Notification Management Module window’s Usage Rule Notification Actions section (Setup application). Refer to Configure Email Operation for Usage Rule Notifications for more information.

The email operation uses the Usage Rule notification templates. Refer to Notification Templates for more information about these templates.

Complete the following steps to configure email operations for a product activity charge rule action:

  1. Select Products from Gotransverse application menu Module menu icon.

  2. Click Product Catalog in the left pane.

    Product Catalog Products Section

    Products Window

    Click the collapse icon icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the icon to open it.

  3. In the Products section, click the name of the product to edit to open the Product Details window.

    Product Details Window

    Product Details Window

  4. In the Standard Prices section, click the name of the recurring charge o to open the Recurring Charge Details window.

    Standard Prices Section

    Standard Prices Section

  5. On the Recurring Charge Details window, in the Activity Charge Rules section , click the name of the activity charge rule that you wish to add to action to open the Activity Charge Rule Details window.

    Activity Charge Rule Details Window

    Activity Charge Rule Details Window

  6. On the Activity Charge Rule Details window, in the Actions section, click the name of the action to open the Action Configuration window.

    Actions Section

    Actions Section

  7. On the Action Configuration window, in the Email Operations section, click the Add button to add a new email operations, or click Edit in the Actions column for an operation to edit the operation. Both actions will open the Configure Email window.

    Action Configuration Window

    Action Configuration Window

  8. On the Configure Email window, enter the required and relevant information:

    Configure Email Window for  Actions Notifications

    Configure Email Window - Actions Notifications

    Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

    • Enable Operation checkbox — Indicates whether the operation is on and available for use. Select or deselect the checkbox to enable or disable this action as follows:

      • Selected: The request will occur.

      • Not selected: The request will not occur. This request can be enabled later. Any request operation can be enabled at any time after they are created.

    • Usage %* — Enter the percentage of usage that will trigger the notification.

    • Account CategoryFor multi-entity tenants only. Select the account category from the drop-down list.

    • Email Template* — Select the email template from the drop-down list. Refer to Notification Templates for a list of included templates.

    • Account Email checkbox — Specifies whether to use the email address from the billing account's customer. Select or deselect the checkbox to enable or disable this action as follows:

      • Selected: Use the email address of the billing account's customer.

      • Not selected: Do not use the email address of the billing account's customer. Enter an address in the Recipient Email field (below).

    • Recipient Email — If you selected to not to use the account email address, enter the alternate customer email address to which to the notification will be sent.

    • BCC — Enter an email address that will receive a copy of this email.

    • Contact Category — Select from the available categories or add a new category by clicking Add. Enter information as needed and click Finish to close the Add Contact Category window.

      Add Contact Category Window

      Add Contact Category Window

      Contact Categories are managed in the Setup application’s Categories Module. Refer to Add Contact Category for more information about adding new contact categories.

  9. Click Finish to save your operation. The email operation is added (or updated) in the Email Operations section of the Action Configuration window.

  10. The action is also added to the Usage Rule Notification Actions section of the Notification Management window. Also refer to Configure Email Operation for Usage Rule Notifications for more information about email and HTTP request operations.





Topic updated: 05/2024.