Agreement Notification Actions

You can customize renewal notifications as a customer's service nears the expiration date with an Agreement notification action, which result in an event that occurs outside Gotransverse. For example, an agreement action could be configured to send an email when the customer reaches the end of an agreement.

Agreement notification actions are part of Gotransverse's Action Framework. Agreement actions are optional. For details on how to create an agreement, refer to Agreements Module.

Gotransverse has one default agreement action type called Days to Agreement End. You can configure the action to do the following operations:

  • HTTP Request Operations — This agreement action executes an API call. A URL can be configured with User ID and password to enable integration to external web services sending agreement-specific information from Gotransverse to an external system. The HTTP Post occurs when the agreement action is triggered by reaching the specified number of days before the agreement ends.

  • Email Operations — An agreement action email is sent automatically to a specific email address. Refer to Notification Templates for instructions on how to set up the agreement email template.

The Actions section enables you to create an agreement action for future use. This feature saves time when you set up your agreement actions.

Refer to the following topics for additional information about agreement actions: