Configure HTTP Request Operations for Agreement Actions

Before you add one or more agreement actions, determine whether or not the action will be enabled at this time.

You can also configure an HTTP request operation for an Agreement Action in the Setup application’s Notification Management module. Refer to Notification Management Module for more information.

Complete the following steps to add an HTTP request operation for an agreement action:

  1. Select Products from the Gotransverse application menu Module menu icon.

  2. Click Agreements in the left pane.

    Agreements Window

    Agreements Window

  3. In the Agreement section, click the agreement name to open the Agreement Details window.

    Agreement Details Window

    Agreement Details Window

  4. On the Agreement Details window, in the Actions section, click the name of the action to open the Action Configuration window.

    Action Configuration Window

    Action Configuration Window

  5. On the Action Configuration window, in the HTTP Request Operations section, click the Add button to open the Configure HTTP Request window.

  6. On the Configure HTTP Request window, enter the required and relevant information:

    Configure HTTP Request Window

    Configure HTTP Request Window

    Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

    • Enable Operation checkbox — Indicates whether to execute the operation. This HTTP request can be enabled at any time. Select or deselect the checkbox to enable or disable this operation as follows:

      • Selected: The HTTP request is performed.

      • Not Selected: The HTTP request is not performed.

    • Days From End Date* — The number of days before the agreement ends, when the agreement action is started. Enter a number of days.

    • End Action* — The outcome from the action that occurs automatically when the Days to Agreement End is reached. Select one of the following:

      • All — Uses the Renew Action specified in the agreement. Refer to Agreements Module for additional information.

      • Renew Agreement — Starts a new agreement of the same agreement duration and configuration.

      • Service Only — Begins a month-to-month service with no agreement.

      • Deactivate Service: Service ends when the agreement ends.

      • POST

      • Change Agreement: Update or change the agreement.

      • Change Service: Update or change the service used by the customer.

      • CPQ Managed:

    • Account Category — Select a category from the drop-down list.

    • External Application* — Select an application from the drop-down list.

    • URL* — Enter the URL of the website to access.

    • Application — This selects an application login that you have already entered in Gotransverse under Admin > Applications.

    • Http Method* — The type of call this action makes. In the drop-down list, select POST, GET or DELETE.

    • Content Type* — Change the provided content type if needed.

    • Date Format* — Change the provided format if needed.

    • Add New Header Name/Value — Click this button to display two additional fields, which can be used to add extra content to the header.

      If you have added too many Name/Value fields, you can click the Remove Last Header Name/Value button to remove the last set of Name and Value fields.

      • Name*: The header’s name.

      • Value*: The value to be included in the header.

    • Payload: Select items from the Palette on the right to add to the Payload text box.

      You can highlight a palette item and then drag it to the Payload text box.

  7. Click Finish. The HTTP request is configured.