Pending Charges Details

Pending charges are charges that are calculated but not yet invoiced. Pending charges with a date that falls within the Current Billing Period will be included in the next invoice created with the next bill cycle run. Invoices created from either On Demand Billing (in Accounts application) or Create and Run Bill On Demand Bill Batch (in Customer Billing application) will include any pending charges up to the invoice date.

The Pending Charges total amount does not include charges for recurring services, because recurring service charges are not calculated until the bill cycle run or on-demand billing is initiated.

Also refer to Pending Charges for more information about working with these charges in the Customer Billing application.

Pending Charges Details Window

Pending Charges Details Window

The following types of charges can be pending charges:

  • One-Time Charges — Charges created by ordering a One-Time product. The Purchase Date is used to define when the pending charges will be invoiced if the charges have not been scheduled.

    One-Time services that are scheduled for one or more dates create individual scheduled charges. Scheduled charges are not displayed in the One-Time Charges section, only the whole charge for the One-Time service is displayed. To determine when a scheduled one-time charge will be invoiced, select the One-Time service to view details. The Charge Date of a scheduled charge is used to define when the pending scheduled charge will be invoiced.

    Scheduled Charges Section of a One-Time Service

    Scheduled Charges Section of a One-Time Service

  • Activity Events — Charges created when usage events are rated. You can view details about the event or a summary of the event from this section.

    Activity Events Section

    Activity Events Section

    Activity Events are referred to as Usage Events in Customer Billing . Pending usage events can be edited or voided from the Pending Charges window for an account in the Customer Billing application. You can also view or add usage events in the Customer Billing application’s Usage Module.

    The amount may change when the bill cycle is run if the tenant is configured to rerate usage events during the bill cycle run. Refer to the Knowledge Base article for more information about Usage Rerating Strategies.

  • Manual Charges — Charges created by posting manual charges that were created from existing invoice item charges.

    Only Posted manual charges are pending charges and are listed on the Pending Charges window (in Customer Billing ). All manual charges, regardless of status, can be viewed on the Manual Charges window, which is accessed from an account in Customer Billing. Refer to View Manual Charge Details for more information.

Complete the following steps to view the total amount and details for pending charges on an account:

  1. Perform an Account Search Module to locate the billing account.

    Account Search Results

    Account Search Results

  2. Click the account number active link under the Account # column to open the Account Details window.

    Account Details Window

    Account Details Window

    Click the collapse icon icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the icon to open it.

  3. In the Balance Information section (under Account Details section), the Pending Charges field displays the sum of all pending charges, as well as a link to details.

    Click the Details active link next to the Pending Charges total to open the Pending Charge Details window.

    Pending Charge Details Window

    Pending Charge Details

    The Pending Charge Details window includes the Pending Charge Summary, One-Time Charges, Activity Events, Activity Events Sums, and Manual Charges sections.

  4. If available, you can view details of an activity (usage) event or manual charge by clicking the View active link in the Actions column for that item to open an Activity Event Detail window.

    Activity Event Detail Window

    Activity Event Detail Window

  5. Click Finish to close the window.

  6. To view details about an activity event or manual charge, click the Details active link in the Actions column for that item to open an Event Details or Manual Charge Details window.

    Event Summary Window

    Event Details Window

    Manual Charge Details Window

    Manual Charge Details Window

    The Manual Charge Details window includes active links to Source Invoice, Source Invoice Item, and Source Invoice Item Charge. Click any of these active link to open the source details window. Refer to View Invoice Details for more information about these windows.