Add Notification Template Version

After you Add Notification Template, you will need to define it by adding at least one version in a language enabled on your tenant. You can have as many versions of a notification template as you want, with versions for each enabled language. Only one version can be the current version, which will be the version used when setting up actions based on the notification template.

Only Active templates are available for selection when creating actions for products, billing, counters, and other features.

Languages are managed in the Languages Module of the Setup application.

All notification template versions are created and managed the same. The steps described below can be used to add a version to any notification template.

Complete the following steps to add a version of a notification template:

  1. Select Setup from Gotransverse application menu Module menu icon.

  2. Click Notification Management in the left pane.

    Notification Management Window

    Notification Management Window

    Click the collapse icon icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the icon to open it.

  3. In the Notification Templates section, click the name of the notification template to open a new window for the selected template, for example, Payment Plan.

    Template Window

    Template Window

  4. On the template window, click Delete in the Actions column for the version you wish to delete to open a confirmation window.

    Payment Plan Email Details Window

    Payment Plan Email Details Window

  5. In the Versions section, click the Action button and select Select Current Version to open the Select Current Template Version window.

    Payment Plan Email Details Window

    Payment Plan Email Details Window

  6. Select the version of the notification template you want to use from the Current Version drop-down list.

    Select Current Template Version Window

    Select Current Template Version Window

  7. Click Finish to save your change.

The version you selected as the current version will be used when configuring actions using this template. The current version cannot be deleted. However, other versions will have a Delete active link in the Actions column and can be deleted. Refer to Delete Notification Template Version.




Topic updated: 04/2024.