Languages Module

The Languages module allows you to manage the language used for your account notifications. Gotransverse supports up to 27 languages. Once you enable the desired languages for your tenant, you can set the language for an account category to ensure that your customers receive their notifications in their preferred language.

By default, English is set as a preferred language.

Custom notifications are configured by selecting a preferred language for the account category to deliver notifications for the associated billing accounts. If you configure a preferred language on the billing account level, it will override the account category setting. Before sending a notification, the system verifies if the language of the account matches the corresponding language of the notification template and uses it for delivering notifications. In case the language is not set on the account level, it checks the language on the account category and if it matches the language of the notification template, this language is used to address your customers.

Examples may include:

  • The preferred language of the account category is German, while Dutch is configured as a preferred language on the account. Notification templates are configured for both languages. The customer will receive notifications in Dutch.

  • The preferred language of the account category is German, while Dutch is configured as a preferred language on the account. Notification templates are configured for German and English languages only. The customer will receive notifications in German.

  • The preferred language of the account category is German, while Dutch is configured as a preferred language on the account. Notification templates are configured for English language only. The customer will receive notifications in English.

Refer to the following topics for additional information about managing languages in the Languages module: