Payment Actions

Payment actions are part of Gotransverse's Action Framework. Payment actions result in an event occurring outside of Gotransverse when a payment is received from the customer.

Notification actions are managed in the Setup application’s Notification Management Module. Refer to Notification Operations for more information about the different email, HTTP, approval, and FTP operations that can be configured for various features.

Gotransverse includes the following categories of payment actions:

  • One Time Payment

  • Remaining Payment

  • Payment Retry

  • Refund

  • Payment Cancellation

  • Auto-Payment

  • Credit Adjustment

  • Recurring Payment

To enable an action, the Enable Action checkbox must be selected on the Configure Action Details window. Otherwise, the payment action is not enabled and is not used.

You can configure specific payment tasks to an action with two types of operations:

  • Email — An email is sent automatically to a specific person to inform that person that the payment action has occurred. Refer to Add or Edit Email Operation for a Payment Action. Email operations for a payment are based on Payment notification templates.

  • HTTP Request — This payment action executes an API call. A URL can be configured with User ID and password to enable integration to external web services sending payment specific information from Gotransverse to the external system. The HTTP Post occurs when the payment action has occurred. Refer to Add or Edit HTTP Action for a Payment Action.

Refer to the following topics for additional information about working with payment actions:






Topic updated: 04/2024.