Edit Draft Manual Invoice

Complete the following steps to edit a manual invoice in Draft status:

If you know the invoice number, click Invoices in the left pane. Use the Search field to find and select an invoice. Skip to this step. Refer to Search Feature for more information about using the Search feature.

  1. Select Customer Billing from the Gotransverse application menu Module menu icon.

    You may see a Customers and an Accounts tab or just the Accounts window, depending on the value for the Allow Multi-Customer Accounts Billing system setting. The Allow Multi-Customer Accounts system setting must be set to True to see both tabs. If this system setting is set to False, you will only see the Accounts window while in the Customers module. Refer to System Settings for more information about configuring system settings.

  2. Select a customer from the list or search for a customer from the Search field to open the Customer Summary window.

    To quickly access a customer or billing account, click thequick search icon icon on the title bar (on either the Customers or Accounts window) and enter part of the customer or billing account name or number. If you do not see the Accounts tab, you can still search for a billing account from the Customers window by entering part of the name or number in the Search field. You can also bookmark regularly-used pages. Refer to Search Feature for more information.

    Customers Window

    Customers Window

    Click the collapse icon icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the icon to open it.

    You can manage which columns display in any table with a Configure or Columns button by clicking the button and selecting desired columns. In addition. If the table includes a Filter button, you can filter the table contents. If the table includes an Export button, you can export visible table contents (up to 50) to a CSV (comma-separated values) file. Refer to Data Tables for more information about using these features.

  3. On the Customer Summary window, select an account under the Accounts detail tab to open the Account Details window.

    Customer Summary Window

    Customer Summary Window

  4. On the Account Details window, click the Invoices tab.

    Account Invoices Tab

    Account Invoices Tab

  5. For the draft manual invoice you want to edit, complete one of the following:

    1. Next to the draft invoice, click the in the Actions column and select Edit Draft Invoice to open the Update Manual Invoice window.

      Edit Draft Invoice Options

      Edit Draft Invoice Option

    2. OR, click the desired invoice to open the Invoice Information window, and then select Edit Draft Invoice from the Invoice drop-down menu to open the Update Manual Invoice window.

      Edit Draft Invoice Option

      Invoice Details Window - Edit Draft Invoice Option

  6. On the Update Manual Invoice window, edit the necessary fields.

    Update Manual Invoice Window

    Update Manual Invoice Window

  7. Update invoice items as needed:

    1. Click the Add Filter button to filter the items. Select a column, filter condition, and value (required) and click Create. You can also create another filter by selecting the Create Another checkbox and then clicking Create. Refer to Filter Invoice Items for more information on creating a filter.

      Create Filter Window

      Create Filter Window

    2. Edit each invoice item separately, or click Bulk Edit to edit all or just filtered items. Select an option from the drop-down menu. Refer to Perform Bulk Actions on Manual Invoices for more information on the different actions.

      Bulk Edit

      Bulk Edit Menu

    3. Add new invoice items. Select items from the drop-down lists at the bottom of the Update Manual Invoice window or click Browse to open the Browse Invoice Items window and select items to add. Click Add to Invoice to add them to the invoice. Refer to Create and Approve Manual Invoice for more information.

      You can filter the items by using the filter options on the left. You can also configure which columns display in the data table by clicking the Columns drop-drown list.

      Browse Invoice Items Window

      Browse Invoice Items Window

  8. Click Save Draft to save the current version of a draft manual invoice. This is not available if you click the Tax Preview button.

  9. To save the manual invoice, send the invoice to the relevant tax engine, and view taxes on invoice item charges for which Submit for Taxation was selected, click Tax Preview. If changes were made to the Unit Price or Quantity, the taxes will be recalculated and shown in the Tax Amount column.

    Also, if there was a change to a billing account’s taxable status, such as a new postal code or updates in the tax exemption status, Tax Preview verifies if taxes were calculated correctly.

    Tax Amount After Recalculation

    Tax Amount After Recalculation

    If you need to make any changes or delete the draft, you must first click Revert, then proceed with updates.

  10. If you clicked either Save Draft or Tax Preview, you can click the Delete button to delete the draft manual invoice.

  11. Click Approve to save your changes, calculate taxes, and post the manual invoice. The manual invoice will be listed on the account’s Invoices tab or on the Invoices window (click Invoices in the left pane to open this window).




Topic updated: 02/2024