Users and Roles

The Administration application allows you as an administrator to create new users, specifying details such as user name, marketplace, email, and temporary password.

Users can also be created and managed in the Admin application. Refer to Users Module for more information. Users created in one application will be available in the other.

If needed, you can also select to lock a new user so they cannot log in until unlocked or edit existing users.

To enable users to access modules of the application, you have to add corresponding roles that govern the accesses to Gotransverse applications. You assign either a pre-defined role or a custom role. Some of the pre-defined roles include the following:

  • System Administrator GTV UI — A user who has full system access. Major responsibilities include User administration, system set up, general operation, and maintenance via Gotransverse.

  • GTV UI Full Access — A user who has full access to all Gotransverse applications.

  • Full Read Billing — A user who has read-only access to the Customer Billing application. This role allows assigned users to view customer accounts and related information without the ability to create new accounts or perform any actions on existing accounts.

Custom Roles are created in the Admin application. Refer to Custom Roles for more information.

Security Authorities are managed in the Admin application. Refer to Manage Security Authorities for more information.