Custom Roles

Custom roles can be created by adding a new role and then defining the Security Authorities (Manage Security Authorities), Authority Levels (Manage Authority Levels), and limits (Manage Limits) for the role.

For example, you would want to allow a user to reactivate a deactivated billing account. You would create a custom role that includes the Accounts - Reactivate security authority and then assign that role to the user or users that you designate.

Before creating a custom role, review the Predefined Roles to see if one of these roles could be used for what you need.

Also consider which applications, areas or modules within those applications, and actions within those areas or modules that you would like the custom role to include. Refer to Security Authorities for a list of all available security authorities that you can add to a custom role.

Refer to the following topics for additional information about managing custom roles: