Predefined Roles

Predefined roles are roles created by Gotransverse that already include the security authorities needed to allow access to specific applications, modules, and actions on the platform.

A predefined role cannot be edited or deleted and the security authorities cannot be added to or removed. Authority Levels and Limits can be added to a predefined role to further define the actions available to a user. Create Custom Roles when the predefined roles do not meet your needs.

The following roles are provided by Gotransverse:

  • Admin Role — A user with this role is a technical owner who accesses and manages all your company information and technical setup in Gotransverse. The user can view, create, and manage orders and billing accounts with restrictions (for example, only adjustments up to and including $100 allowed).

  • API Role — A user with this role can access the API.

  • CSR Role — A user with this role can view, create, and manage orders and billing accounts with restrictions (for example, only adjustments up to and including $100 allowed).

  • CSR Supervisor Role — A user with this role can view, create, and manage orders and billing accounts with restrictions (for example, only adjustments up to and including $1000 allowed).

  • Full Read Billing Role — A user with this role has access to the Customer Billing application. The user is allowed to view customer accounts and related information without the ability to create new accounts or perform any actions on existing accounts.

  • GTV UI Full Access Role — A user with this role has full access to the Customer Billing, Mediation, Payment Matching, Reporting, Revenue Management, Scheduler, and Tax Management.

  • Operations Role — A user with this role can access billing management and payment collections.

  • Product Manager Role — A user with this role can manage product configuration, price definitions, and usage rules.

  • Receivables Manager Role — The user with this role can access and manage the Receivables application.

  • Resources Role — A user with this role works in the Resources application with service resources and the quarantine policies.

  • System Administrator GTV UI Role — A user with this role has full system access to GTV UI. Major responsibilities include user administration, system set up, general operation, and maintenance.