View Customer Account Details

Details, including contact, addresses, and phone numbers, are included on an Account Details window for that customer. It also includes a History section that includes changes made to this account.

You can access this window from either a search result (refer to Account Search Module) or from a billing account’s Account Details window (refer to View Billing Account Information).

Customer Account Details Window

Customer Account Details Window

The Account Details window does not include names of specific people. Contact information refers to the contacts that can be defined on a billing account, which includes names and contact information pertaining to specific people. Contacts can also be added to an account in the Customer Billing application. Refer to Contacts for more information.

Addresses have no expiration date, therefore the address that is active on the customer account is considered the current address. Depending on how much information was originally entered, you might see postal addresses only in the Addresses section.

When the account is created, the customer normally provides a service postal address. The customer may also supply a billing address, a shipping address, and one (or more) contact numbers. If a single postal address is provided, by default that address is assigned to all the following postal address types.

A customer can define the following:

  • Addresses: Up to three addresses per account.

    • Service postal address

    • Billing postal address

    • Shipping postal address

  • Phone Numbers: Up to four phone numbers per account.

    • Office

    • Home

    • Fax

    • Mobile

  • Email Addresses: Up to two email addresses per account.

    • Primary Email

    • Secondary Email

Refer to the following topics for additional information about managing contact information:




Topic updated: 01/2024.