Schedule Report

Your scheduled reports appear in the List of Schedules, which you can open by choosing Schedules from the title bar menu. You also can access your List of Schedules from the Browse Files window, if you have a report selected.

The list of schedules shows which reports are scheduled to run. You can edit and maintain each of your schedules by using the controls above the schedules list, on the right end of the toolbar.

Scheduled Reports List

Scheduled Reports List

Complete the following steps to schedule a report to run at a future time:

  1. Select Standard Reports or Reporting from the Gotransverse application menu Module menu icon to open the reporting tool.

  2. Browse for Reports to locate the report you want to schedule from the Files section.

  3. Select Schedule from the File Actions drop-down menu to open the New Schedule window.

    Schedule a Report

    Schedule a Report

  4. On the New Schedule window, complete the file name and folder location information:

    Report Schedule File Name and Folder

    Report Schedule File Name and Folder

    • Schedule Name — Enter the name of the Schedule which will also be the file name when the schedule generates a new report file.

    • Append time stamp to generated content — Select the checkbox to add a date or time stamp to the end of the file name. Then select the time stamp format from the drop down list:

      • yyyy-MM-dd

      • yyyyMMdd

      • yyyyMMddHHmmss

      • MM-dd-yyyy

      • MM-dd-yy

      • dd-MM-yyyy

    • Generated Content Location — Select the folder where schedule report files are saved.

    • Overwrite existing files with same name and time stamp — Select the checkbox to overwrite existing files with the same name and time stamp.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Complete the schedule information. Select the Recurrence and then complete the additional schedule information:

    Report Schedule Reccurence

    Report Schedule Recurrence

    • Run Once — Generates the report once at the designated time and date.

      • Start Time: Select the time of day and timezone when the scheduled report will run.

      • Start Date: Select the date when the scheduled report will run.

    • Seconds — Generates the report on a schedule based on the number of seconds elapsed.

      • Start Time: Select the time of day and timezone when the first scheduled report will run.

      • Recurrence Pattern: Enter the number of seconds between scheduled reports.

      • Range of Recurrence: Select the start and end date of the report schedule.

    • Minutes — Generates the report on a schedule based on the number of minutes elapsed.

      • Start Time: Select the time of day and timezone when the first scheduled report will run.

      • Recurrence Pattern: Enter the number of minutes between scheduled reports.

      • Range of Recurrence: Select the start and end date of the report schedule.

    • Hours — Generates the report on a schedule based on the number of hours elapsed.

      • Start Time: Select the time of day and timezone when the first scheduled report will run.

      • Recurrence Pattern: Enter the number of minutes between scheduled reports.

      • Range of Recurrence: Select the start and end date of the report schedule.

    • Daily — Generates the report on a schedule based on the number of days elapsed.

      • Start Time: Select the time of day and timezone when the first scheduled report will run.

      • Recurrence Pattern: Enter the number of days between scheduled reports or select Every weekday.

      • Range of Recurrence: Select the start and end date of the report schedule.

    • Weekly — Generates the report on a schedule based on the number of weeks elapsed.

      • Start Time: Select the time of day and timezone when the first scheduled report will run.

      • Recurrence Pattern: Select one or more days of the week to schedule the report.

      • Range of Recurrence: Select the start and end date of the report schedule.

    • Monthly — Generates the report on a schedule based on the number of months elapsed.

      • Start Time: Select the time of day and timezone when the first scheduled report will run.

      • Recurrence Pattern: Select a day of the month to schedule the report.

      • Range of Recurrence: Select the start and end date of the report schedule.

    • Yearly — Generates the report on a schedule based on the number of years elapsed.

      • Start Time: Select the time of day and timezone when the first scheduled report will run.

      • Recurrence Pattern: Select a day of the year to schedule the report.

      • Range of Recurrence: Select the start and end date of the report schedule.

    • Cron — Generates the report on a schedule based on a cron schedule.

      • Cron String: Enter the cron for the report schedule.

      • Range of Recurrence: Select the start and end date of the report schedule.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Select the report parameters for the report results. The available parameters are based on the report selected for scheduling. All reports generated on this schedule will use these parameters. Refer to Report Parameters List for more information about these parameters.

    Report Schedule Parameters

    Report Schedule Parameters

  9. Click Next.

  10. Select either the No or Yes radio button to indicate whether or not you would like to receive an email with a copy of the report when it is generated. If you select Yes, complete the applicable fields.

    Report Schedule Email Settings

    • To — Enter the email address.

    • Subject — Enter the subject of the email you will receive.

    • Attachment Name — Enter the file name for the email attachment.

    • Message — Enter a message for the email.

  11. Click Finish. A confirmation window opens to confirm the schedule is created. Click Yes to view the list of scheduled reports.

    Schedule Created Confirmation

    Schedule Created Confirmation



Topic updated: 11/2023.