Edit One-Time Charge Price

Complete the following steps to edit a one-time charge price:

  1. Select Products from Gotransverse application menu Module menu icon.

  2. Click Product Catalog in the left pane.

    Product Catalog Products Section

    Products Window

    Click the collapse icon icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the icon to open it.

  3. In the Products section, click the name of the product to edit to open the Product Details window.

    Product Details Window

    Product Details Window

  4. In the Standard Prices section, click the price type name for the price you wish to edit to open the Charge Details window.

    Standard Prices Section

    Standard Prices Section

    NOTE: If you use the Avalara Communications Tax processor, your Standard Prices section includes a Tax Mode column.

    Standard Prices Section for Avalara Communications Tax Users

    Standard Prices Section for Avalara Communications Tax Users

  5. On the Charge Details window, click the Edit button to open the Manage One-Time Charge Price window.

    One-Time Charge Details Window

    One-Time Charge Details Window

  6. On the Manage One-Time Charge Price window, edit the required and relevant fields as needed.

    Manage One-Time Charge Price Window

    Manage One-Time Charge Price Window

    Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

    • Price Category* Select a category for prices and revenues. Also known as a charge category, the price category is a primary driver of GL posting rules. These categories are created in the Setup application’s Charge Categories modules. Refer to Charge Categories Module for more information.

    • A new charge category can be created from this window by clicking Add and completing the fields for the charge category. However, adding a new charge category may require changes to Revenue Management posting rules, invoice templates, and/or reports. Refer to Charge Categories Module for more information.

    • From Date* — The date the product starts and can be purchased.

    • Taxable checkbox — Select to have sales tax added automatically calculated and added to the price of the product when ordered. For products with discounts applied, consider the following examples:

      If you use the Avalara Communications Tax processor, and you select this checkbox, you will have the option to select a tax mode in the Price Definition section.

      • If the discount is taxable, the discount is applied to the taxable line items before the sales tax is calculated. This reduces the amount of sales tax charged to the customer.

      • If the discount is non-taxable, the discount is applied to the taxable line items after the sales tax is calculated.

      For users of Avalara Communications Tax (not Avalara Communications-Legacy), if the product is created to be Taxable, you can also select a tax mode for the product price. The default taxation mode is controlled by the Product Taxation Mode (Tax type) system setting. However, you can change the tax mode when creating either a recurring or one-time charge price.

      Although the Product Taxation Mode system setting applies to both the Avalara Communications Tax and External Tax (Tax Essentials) tax processors, the tax mode option for product prices is only available for Avalara Communications Tax.

    • Price Override checkbox Select this checkbox to allow the price to be overridden at the time of order. If this is not selected, the price cannot be changed on the order. Refer to the Price Override knowledge base article for more information about overriding prices.
    • Currency* — This field is not editable.

    • Tapered Pricing checkbox — Not editable.

    • Pay on Purchase checkbox — Select this checkbox to require payment at the time of purchase when this product is added to an order.
    • Require Scheduled Charges checkbox — Select to require the user to configure specific dates when the one-time charge will be billed when ordering the product.

    • Product Price Group Select the price group that you want to associate with the charge price. Refer to Product Price Groups Module for more information about these groups.
    • Tier 1 — Tiered pricing defines a price per unit within a range. Use this line to specify prices for the product. Each service price range is one tier in price.

      For example:

      • Buy 1-3 of the item and the price for each is $99.99.

      • Buy 4-7 of the item and the price for each is $79.99.

      • Buy 8-20 of the item and the price for each is $49.99.

      • Buy 20 of the item and the price for each is $16.99.

      Enter the quantity and price.

      • Starting Qty: Enter the starting quantity for the range. For example, if the range is 4-7 for $79.99 each, then the Starting Qty is "4".

      • Ending Qty: Enter the ending quantity for the range. For example, if the range is 4-7 for $79.99 each, then the Ending Qty is "7".

      • Price: This number is required if there is another price range and tier after this one. If this is the last price range and tier, then an entry is not required. Enter the price of the range, if needed, in this box in the format: nn.nn (numeric for dollars and cents).

  7. When you have finished entering or changing the information, click Finish to close the Manage One-Time Charge Price window. The pricing information for the product is updated.




Topic updated: 05/2024.