Create and Distribute Invoices

Invoices are primarily created through the bill cycle process. During a bill cycle run, invoices are calculated and created in batches based on the bill cycle assigned to each billing account. The bill cycle determines the frequency of invoicing for the billing account and includes all unbilled charges created since the last bill cycle run date.

You can also a Create Manual Charge based off an invoice item charge.

Invoices can be created before the next scheduled bill cycle run date using one of the following methods:

  • Bill On Demand — Initiate an on demand bill cycle run for a specific billing account using a Bill Batch. This will create an invoice that captures any unbilled charges created between the previous bill cycle run date and the Bill On Demand date. Refer to Create and Run Bill On Demand Bill Batch for more information.

  • Invoice on Order — Create an invoice for the One-Time product charges created by a new order by selecting the Invoice Order checkbox during the new order process. Refer to Create an Order for more information.

  • Manual Invoice:

    • Reverse: Create a manual invoice that duplicates the original invoice you are reversing using negative amounts. Refer to Reverse Invoice for more information.

    • Reissue: Create a manual invoice that duplicates an existing invoice’s charges using a new invoice number, new invoice date, current billing account information, and, optionally, recalculates tax. Refer to Reissue Invoice for more information.

    • Manual Invoice: Create a customized manual invoice using line items found on previous invoices for the billing account. Refer to Manual Invoices for more information.

The fields and formatting of the invoice PDF are determined by the invoice template in use. For example, the invoice PDF can also include information like the previous balance and any payments or credits posted since the last invoice.

If you configured the platform to send invoices to customers, they are distributed once the bill cycle or bill batch is approved. To distribute invoices, all of the following conditions must be met:

  • The Render Invoices system setting is set to True. Refer to Refer to System Settings for more information about how to configure system settings in the Admin application.

  • The Overall Invoice Distribution system setting is set to Email or Email and Paper. If set to None or Paper, the invoice will not be sent via email.

  • In the Setup application’s Notification Management Module, the Distribute Invoice action is enabled, and the Email or HTTP Request operation is created and enabled. You can select which email address and template to use for distributing invoices, specify which invoice types should be distributed, and more. For a full list of options, refer to Add or Edit Email Operation and Notification Management Module.

On the Bill Cycle Run Details or Bill Batch Run Details windows, you can view invoices distributed and not distributed during the associated bill cycle or bill batch run and resend them to customers, if necessary. The invoice is sent to the same email address to which the original invoice was sent. Refer to Billing Module for more information about bill cycles and bill batches.