External Tax Processor Integration

The External Tax (Essential Tax) tax processor easily calculates taxes for services or products, including setting a default tax mode (Exclusive or Inclusive).

Review the following information before configuring the External Tax processor:

  • Contact the Gotransverse Implementation Team for configuration and management of the external tax tables. The Implementation Team will provide details on the tax table configuration format and methods to manage the tax tables.

  • If you want to calculate the estimated tax on order, ensure that the Calculate Tax During Order Billing system setting is set to True. Refer to System Settings for more information about changing system settings.

  • If you want to set the default product taxation mode to either Exclusive or Inclusive, check the Product Taxation Mode Tax system setting. Refer to System Settings for more information about system settings.

  • Create at least one tax charge category. Refer to Charge Categories Module for more information.

This tax processor supports tax calculations for Manual Charges.

Complete the following steps to configure an External Tax processor:

  1. Select Admin from Gotransverse application menu Module menu icon.

  2. Click Integration in the left pane.

    Integration Window

    Integration Window

  3. Locate the Tax Processors section.

    Integration Window  - Tax Processors Section

    Integration Window - Tax Processors Section

    Click the collapse icon icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the icon to open it.

  4. Click the Add button to open the Add Tax Processor window.

    To edit a tax processor, click Edit under the Actions column. Edit available information on the Edit Tax Processor window opens.

  5. On the Add Tax Processor window, enter the required and relevant information:

    Add Tax Processor Window - External Tax

    Add Tax Processor Window - External Tax

  6. Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

  7. Tax Processor Type* — Select External Tax.

    • Default Tax Category* — Select a tax category that you have set up in the Charge Categories Module. If you have not yet created a tax category, click Add to create a new tax charge category at this time.

    • URL* — Enter the URL of the external tax table lookup service.

    • Tax Table* — Enter the name of the table that will be used for the lookup service.

    • Include Additional Fields in Rounding Calculation — Select the checkbox to include tax custom fields in addition to the tax category when calculating tax rounding for invoice items. Tax custom fields are defined and populated by the external tax processor.

      The system setting Tax Rounding Correction must be set to TRUE. Refer to System Settings for more information.

    • Use Multiple Companies — Select this if you need to associate account categories to tax company codes so that the correct tax rates are used for a billing account in a given account category.

      • Default Company Code*: Enter the code associated with the company which tax rate you want to be used by default.

    • Company Code* — Enter a code for the business entity so that the correct tax rates are applied to a billing account associated with a given business category. This field is not available when Use Multiple Companies is selected.

    • Location Code* — Enter the code that is used to identify a store location. This field is not available when Use Multiple Companies is selected.

    • Calculate by Item — Select this if you want taxes to be calculated by each invoice line item.

    • Authentication Mode* — Select the type of authentication that you used for creating the tax table with entries.

    • API Key* — Enter the authorization token key provided by an administrator.

  8. Click Finish to save your configuration and close the Add Tax Processor window.




Topic updated: 02/2024.