Hosted Payment Method

The Hosted Payment Method is supported as a push payment under the Adyen payment gateway. Push payments are payments not initiated by Gotransverse, but rather completed outside of Gotransverse’s billing application and then later pushed to Gotransverse as a notification for recording purposes.

The Hosted Payment Method offers a wide range of payment processing options: Credit Card, SEPA, Direct Debit, and iDeal. To enable payment methods that can be used via Adyen, you must configure them outside of Gotransverse, on the Adyen website. Multiple Adyen integrations can be configured for the same account category by adding multiple notification HMAC signatures to the Adyen payment processor configuration.

You can still receive iDEAL payments with the Hosted Payment Method configured.

Hosted Payment Method is used solely for payment gateway configuration and criteria selection purposes:

  • Helps to determine if the configured payment gateway supports generation of a Hosted Payment window (HPP, currently only supported under Adyen).

  • Helps with selection criteria during bill cycle run to determine if a Hosted Payment window (HPP) link needs to be generated for an invoice.

Hosted Payment Method is not available for adding Payment Methods on file and making one-time payments.

The requirements for generating a Hosted Payment Method payment link are as follows:

  • To configure Adyen in Gotransverse, you must first have an Adyen account.

  • The Adyen payment gateway with Hosted Payment Method must be set up in Gotransverse.

  • You must configure the Invoice Template with the ${ideal_payment_link} parameter included in the invoice payload (refer to Notification Management Module).

  • The billing account generating the invoice must fall under the specified account category configured under the Adyen payment gateway configuration.

  • The currency selected on a billing account must match with one of the currencies selected when adding or editing the Hosted Payment Method in the Add Currencies window (refer to Add Payment Method to Payment Gateway).

  • The billing account must not have an active recurring payment method on file that is configured as Auto-Payment.

  • The invoice amount must be greater than zero.