Adyen Payment Gateway

The Adyen payment gateway is a third-party payment gateway service that integrates with Gotransverse to support credit card, SEPA Direct Debit, and iDEAL payments.

Gotransverse and Adyen support Hosted Payment Method options. Adyen provides a way to host a payment window to accept multiple forms of payment and then push the payment information to Gotransverse to be recorded as a payment in the billing account.

  • Pay-by-LinkThe Pay-by-Link method uses an Adyen-generated URL where the customer can visit and pay multiple invoices at once.

  • HPP (Legacy) — The Hosted Payment Page method uses a Gotransverse-generated URL where the customer can pay for each invoice.

The following forms of payment are accepted through the Adyen Hosted Payment window option:

  • Credit card payments

  • SEPA Direct Debit payments

  • iDEAL payments

  • Charge backs for Credit Cards, SEPA Direct Debit, and iDEAL payments. The payment is reversed and any invoices the payment was allocated to will move from Closed to Open. The customer balance reflects the open amount after the payment is reversed.

    • With SEPA Direct Debit: customers are able to request a charge back for up to 8 weeks OR a charge back is processed due to insufficient funds.

    • With Credit Cards: customers are able to request a charge back through their credit card company.

If you want to set up webhooks for this payment gateway, first create a third-party account and set up the payment gateway integration, then you can configure the URL in the third-party account for the webhooks you want to add. Gotransverse Technical Support The will provide a Gotransverse endpoint (URL) to you for publishing events. Refer to Webhooks.

Complete the following steps to configure a Adyen payment gateway:

  1. Select Admin from the Gotransverse application menu Module menu icon.

  2. Click Integration in the left pane.

    Payment Gateways Section

    Payment Gateways Section

    Click the collapse icon icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the icon to open it.

  3. In the Payment Gateways section, click the Add button to open the Add Payment Gateway window.

  4. On the Add Payment Gateway window, enter the required and relevant information:

    Adyen Payment Gateway Configuration

    Add Payment Gateway Window - Adyen

    Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

    • Payment Gateway Type* — Select Adyen.

    • Account Category — Select an account category from the drop-down list.

      This field displays and is required only when the Enable Payment Gateway Configuration by Account Category system setting is set to TRUE.

    • Perform Verification Auth* — Select Yes to trigger a small verification transaction when a new recurring payment method is configured to confirm that the card holder's information is valid. Select No to skip the verification.

    • Auth Amount Per Card Type checkbox — If you select this checkbox, also enter authorization amounts in the listed credit card authorization amount text fields that display:

      • American Express Auth Amount*

      • Discover Auth Amount*

      • MasterCard Auth Amount*

      • Visa Auth Amount*

    • Environment* — Select the mode in which to run this gateway.

      • Sandbox/Test/Staging: Is for testing your payment processes. This is the developer area for experimentation and testing and does not affect real customers. No transactions are sent to or through this payment gateway.

      • Production/Live: Is your live and real environment and all customers in your system are affected. Transactions are sent to or through this payment gateway.

    • Merchant Account* — The merchant account identifier supplied by Adyen.

    • User* — Enter the user name for the gateway account.

    • Password* — Enter the password for the gateway account.

    • Configure HPP — Select this checkbox to enable a hosted payment method the Adyen. After enabling this checkbox, the following options become available:

      • HPP Version*: Select the type of hosted payment service to use:

        • Pay by Link — Select to use Adyen's Pay-by-Link functionality. Pay by Link allows a customer to use an Adyen-generated URL to access a payment page where the customer can pay multiple invoices.

        • Legacy — Select to use the Hosted Payment window functionality. Gotransverse generates the URL for each invoice.

      • HPP Default Language: Select the default language for displaying the Adyen Hosted Payment window. If no preferred language is specified on a billing account or if the preferred language on a billing account is not supported by Adyen, the system uses the value from this field during Adyen HPP link generation.

      • HPP Default Country Code: Select the default country code that can be used for the Adyen payment method. It controls what payment methods will display on the hosted payment window. Only certain payment methods apply to certain countries. If a billing address is not added on a billing account, the system uses information from the HPP Default Country Code field during Adyen HPP link generation.

      • Session Validity: The time (in days) for which a payment link is valid. This determines the number of days (after the link is generated) that the link is valid for. For example, if '90' is entered, the payment link will be valid for up to 90 days.

        Pay-by-Link session validity cannot exceed 60 days.

      • Notification HMAC: Enter the generated Notification HMAC (Hash-based message authentication code) value from Adyen back office in this field.

        This is the signature you will generate through your Adyen account for Gotransverse to be able to verify received Adyen Notifications in a secure manner. When a payment initiated via HPP is authorized, Adyen will send Notifications to Gotransverse about these payments. Gotransverse uses Notification HMAC while looking through possible Adyen processors that can validate the digital signature included in the ‘push’ notification for authorized Adyen Hosted Payment Method payments. Up to 10 HMAC notification values can be configured. By allowing more than one HMAC notification value to be configured, Gotransverse can accept push payments that have been made through an Adyen hosted payment window generated outside of Gotransverse. HMAC notifications from outside of Gotransverse must share the same merchant ID and username as the one Gotransverse is using. Add an additional HMAC value by selecting the + button to the right of the Notification HMAC field.

      • Skin ID: (For Legacy HPP version only) Identifier provided by Adyen for your custom payment window.

        The Skin ID defines the look and feel of the Adyen Hosted Payment window that will be launched when the payment link is selected. This is where client logos, legal verbiage, and what payment methods you want to make available on the Hosted Payment window can be defined. The resulting skin overlay can be as detailed or as basic as the client wishes for it to be. Once the Skin is generated in Adyen’s Back Office, the Skin ID and Skin HMAC are generated. The client must enter the generated Skin ID in the Skin ID field. Refer to Adyen documentation for information about skin customization.

      • Skin HMAC: (For Legacy HPP version only) Enter value provided by Adyen for skin customization, which is the HMAC Code that was generated when the Skin ID was generated.

      • API Key: (For Pay-by-Link HPP version only) Enter the API key provided by Adyen.

  5. Click Finish to add the payment gateway integration.

After the payment gateway integration is added, you must configure the payment methods for the payment gateway. The payment methods accepted through a payment gateway must be defined before you can start accepting payments. Refer to Add Payment Method to Payment Gateway for more information.