
Several of the Gotransverse payment gateway integrations support a webhook API interface used to listen for events from third-party payment processors to Gotransverse. A webhook is a user-defined HTTP callback. Webhooks are usually triggered by an event. When the event occurs, the third party makes an HTTP request to the URL configured for the webhook. These webhooks are used to convey or update information to the Gotransverse system, for example:

  • Credit card updates.

  • Verification of bank draft payment methods added to a billing account.

  • Chargeback, Canceled, Confirmed, and Paid Out actions around payment status notifications.

Several third-party vendors allow you to add webhooks to an account you have created to work with the payment integration so that the Gotransverse platform listens for webhook events to do things like update the status of payments for items that are not cleared or completed instantaneously. An example of this is SEPA Direct Debit payments through Stripe that are not cleared or completed instantaneously because they have to go through the banking process to clear. Once a payment clears, a webhook event is sent to the Gotransverse platform notifying Gotransverse on the status of the payment (for example, move the payment to Completed status or move the payment to Processing Error status).

The following third-party processors offer webhooks:

  • Adyen

  • Cybersource

  • GoCardless

  • Stripe

After you have created a third-party account, set up the payment gateway integration, and Gotransverse has provided Gotransverse endpoint (URL) to you for publishing events, you can configure the URL in the third-party account for the webhooks you want to add.

Complete the following steps to add a webhook to a third-party processor:

  1. Go to the third-party processor account’s dashboard.

  2. From the Dashboard:

    • For Adyen, go to Account Tab drop-down menu, then select Server Communications.

    • For Cybersource, go to Payment Configuration > Webhook Settings > Configure.

    • For GoCardless, go to Create > Webhook Endpoint.

    • For Stripe, go to Developers > Webhooks > Add Endpoint.

  3. Enter the required and relevant information. You must include the Gotransverse URL you received from Gotransverse Technical Support as part of the information. The URL pattern is constructed as follows: scheme://host:port/path?query

    • Scheme — Identifies the protocol to be used to access the resource, for example, https.

    • Host Name — Identifies the host that holds the resource, for example, www.example.com. A host is made up of two parts, a domain and a subdomain. example.com is the domain and www is the subdomain.

    • Path — Identifies the specific resource within the host that the web client wants to access.

    • Query String — Provides a string of information that the resource uses for some purpose. It is typically a set of name value pairs separated by an ampersand.

Most third-party accounts allow you test your webhook configuration to ensure the Gotransverse URL is reached successfully and can communicate with the application.