Change Account Bill Cycle

The bill cycle of a billing account can be changed to a different bill cycle if both bill cycles share the following attributes:

  • Bill Cycle Type — The new bill cycle must be the same type, such as Monthly, Daily, Quarterly, Yearly, and Segmented Monthly.

  • Currency — The new bill cycle must have the same currency or None.

  • Status — The bill cycles share the same current status, such as Open.

  • The bill cycles have the same start date and end date.

When you move the parent account in a billing hierarchy to a different bill cycle, all child accounts are moved as well. A child account cannot be moved from its responsible account during its bill cycle run. It is only possible during a bill cycle run simulation.

Complete the following steps to change the bill cycle for an account:

  1. Perform an Account Search Module to locate the billing account.

    Account Search Results

    Account Search Results

  2. Click the link to the account under the Account # column to open the Account Details window.

    Account Details Window

    Account Details Window

    Click the collapse icon icon in the left pane to hide it. Click the icon to open it.

  3. On the Account Details window, in the Account Details section, click the Action button and select Change Bill Cycle to open the Change Bill Cycle window.

    Change Bill Cycle

    Change Bill Cycle Option

  4. On the Change Bill Cycle window, select the new Bill Cycle from the Move to Bill Cycle drop-down list.

    The new bill cycle must be of the same type and have matching Open Dates.

    Change Bill Cycle Window

    Change Bill Cycle Window

  5. Click Finish to save the change.

  6. On the confirmation window, click Yes.

    Confirmation Window

    Confirmation Window

  7. If the change cannot be made, the Change Bill Cycle window opens and displays any errors. Select another bill cycle and click Finish.




Topic updated: 01/2024.