Billing Account Statuses

The status of an account is shown on the Account Details window in the Account Name field under Account Information.

Both the account name and status are active links, which open a View Customer Account Details window (with contact details, addresses, email addresses, and history) or a Status Change window (refer to Change Account Status), respectively.

Customer billing accounts can also be created in the Customer Billing application. Refer to Customer Billing for more information on creating and working with billing accounts in the Customer Billing application.

The different status types for a billing account include the following:

  • Active — The associated billing account is active and can be used by the customer. The account is collecting normal and expected charges.

  • Suspended — The associated billing account is not active and cannot be used by the customer, but the customer can make payments. Depending on business rules, charges may continue accumulating. A Suspended account can be reactivated if needed. Suspended accounts are usually only temporarily suspended until they are manually moved to another status, such as Active or Deactivated. All services on a Suspended account are also suspended.

  • Deactivated — The associated billing account is not active. A Deactivated account cannot be used by the customer. When the account is changed to Deactivated status, all services on the account are deactivated, unless they have been previously suspended. However, an account cannot be changed to Deactivated if the system setting Enable suspension of non-usage service billing is set to True, and any service for that account is currently in a suspended status. In that case, the account cannot be moved to Deactivated until any suspended service is resumed. Payments can be made on a Deactivated account. Depending on business rules, charges are probably not accumulating. The account can only be reactivated while in Deactivated status by a user that has a role that includes the Accounts - Reactivate security authority.

  • Final Bill — After an account has been Deactivated, the system moves it to Final Bill, which is the final status before closing the associated billing account. The account cannot be reactivated while in Final Bill status, but payments can be made to the account. After an account has been Deactivated, if it has a zero balance and after a final bill cycle run, the system will change it to Final Bill status. An account in this status can only be changed to Closed.

  • Closed — The account cannot be used by the customer. No new charges or activity can be added to this account. A Closed account cannot be reopened or changed to Active. For Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance reasons, shortly after the account has the status of Closed, Gotransverse purges any encrypted credit card numbers and expiration dates, as well as any bank account numbers.

Refer to the following topics for additional information about working with the status of a billing account:




Topic updated: 01/2024.