Payment Method Validation Report Details

The Payment Method Validation report provides a detailed listing of pre-authorization transaction requests in advance of automatic payments. This is useful to ensure that the transactions will go through or if there is a problem with the payment method such as an expired credit card on file.

The Payment Method Validation report is a standard report located in the Customer folder of the Reporting Tool found in either the Standard Reports or Reporting applications. The default sort order for this report is by Validation Date (descending order — newest first). For descriptions of the filters you can use, refer to Report Parameters List.

The following table describes the output columns.

Payment Method Validation Report Output Fields
Column Description

Validation Date

Date that the credit card pre-authorization was run.

Account Name

Name of the person or company associated with this Account.


The currency in which the transaction was authorized.


Dollar amount of the pre-authorization.

Payment Method Information

Type of payment used to make the automatic payment, generally a credit card.


The payment processor used to preauthorize automatic payments.


Status of the pre-authorization as returned by the payment gateway.

Reason Code

The reason code as returned by the payment gateway.