Unbilled Usage - Pending Charges Report Details

This Unbilled Usage - Pending Charges report provides a list of usage events that have not been invoiced yet. The list of pending charges combines details from the usage event and the resulting rated charge.

The Unbilled Usage - Pending Charges report is a standard report located in the Billings folder of the Reporting Tool found in either the Standard Reports or Reporting applications.

This report has the following default sort order:

  1. Currency

  2. Billing Account Number

  3. Service Resource Identifier

Refer to Report Parameters List for descriptions of all filters you can use.

The following table describes the output columns in the Unbilled Usage - Pending Charges report:

Unbilled Usage - Pending Charges Output Fields
Column Description

Billing Account Number

Unique billing account number.
Billing Account Name

Name of the person or company associated with this account.

Usage Event Charge ID

The unique identification number of the usage event.

Charge Category

The charge category of the usage event.

Service ID

The unique ID of the service to which the usage event is related.

Service Name

The name of the service to which the usage event is related.

Service Resource Identifier

The unique service resource identifier (SRID) for the usage event.

Event Time

The time of the usage event.


The amount of the usage event. This field can have many meanings and is used in rating. It is not the value of the rated usage event.

Unit of Measure

The unit of measure of the usage event.


The rated charge of the usage event. This is the amount that may appear on an invoice.


The currency of the billing account to which the usage event relates.

Reference ID

The reference ID of the usage event.

Sequence ID

The sequence ID of the usage event.

Text01 - Text05

The value of all the Text fields of the usage event.

Number01 - Number05

The value of all the Number fields of the usage event.

Boolean01 - Boolean05

The value of all the Boolean fields of the usage event.

Date01 - Date05

The value of all the Date fields of the usage event.