AR Aging Reporting Reports Details

AR Aging Reporting is a category of Gotransverse standard reports that list billing accounts with overdue payments as of a specified date. You can use these reports to ensure that the general ledger reflects balances in the accounts receivable sub-ledger or to provide collections data to customer service representatives. They can also be used to establish sales returns reserves. There are nine reports to choose from to meet your reporting needs, and each report shows data in a slightly different way.

To determine which report to run, consider these three main factors:

  • Level of detail — Detail reports list individual open transactions per account. Summary reports provide a more concise view of the data, showing one line per account that summarizes all open transactions.

  • Number of Aging Categories — 30-60-90 reports separate amounts due into three 30-day aging categories plus a category for over 90 days. 30-60-90-120 reports separate amounts due into four 30-day aging categories plus a category for over 120 days.

  • Separate or Aged Unapplied Payments and Credits — Unapplied Payments/Credits Separate reports list out unapplied payments and unapplied credits in separate columns. Unapplied Payments/Credits Aged reports include unapplied payments and unapplied credits in the amounts owed in the aged categories.

These reports display billing account's open balances with various options, including:

  • Report Selection:

    • Aging buckets:

      • 30, 60, 90, Over 90

      • 30, 60, 90, 120, Over 120

  • Unapplied Payments and Credits Treatment:

    • Aged

    • Separate bucket

The following are a few key options within each report:

  • As Of Date: This allows the user to backdate the report. Objects on the report will age based on that date and the selection below.

  • Age by Invoice Date or Invoice Due Date.

  • Include/Exclude Debit Adjustments: Select if the report should include or exclude posted but un-invoiced Debit Adjustments.

AR Aging Reporting reports are Gotransverse standard reports located in the AR_Aging_Reporting folder of the Reporting Tool found in either the Standard Reports or Reporting applications. For descriptions of the parameters you can use when configuring an AR Aging Reporting report, refer to Report Parameters List.

The following table lists all possible output columns for AR Aging Reporting reports. Depending on your choice of report, you will only see certain columns in the output.

AR Aging Report Output Fields
Column Description

Currency of the billing account.

Account #

Unique billing account number assigned by Gotransverse.

Ext Account #

Account number generated by an external source.

Customer Name

Name of the person or company associated with the billing account.

Account Category

Billing account category; assigned by the user and associated with the billing account.

Document Date

Effective date of the transaction. For example, invoice date or date that a credit or debit adjustment was posted.

Document Due Date

For an invoice, date the invoice is due. For a payment, credit adjustment, or debit adjustment, the Document Due Date is the same value as the Document Date.

Document Type

Specifies invoice, debit adjustment, credit adjustment, or payment.

Document ID

Unique identifier for the invoice, adjustment, or payment assigned by Gotransverse.

Original Amount

Original full amount of the transaction.

# of Days Past Due

For invoices, the number of days from the Document Date to the As Of Date specified in the report parameters. For non-invoices, the number of days from the Document Date to the As Of Date.

Unapplied Payment

Lists unapplied payments instead of showing them in aged categories. Only visible when the Separate Unapplied Payments and Credits report type is selected.

Unapplied Credits

Lists unapplied credits instead of showing them in aged categories. Only visible when the Separate Unapplied Payments and Credits report type is selected.


Includes transactions that are not yet due. Debit adjustments are always in the Current column, since they are not yet invoiced.


Shows unpaid invoice amounts, unapplied payment amounts, or unapplied credit amounts aged between 1 and 30 days. Amounts appear in the appropriate column depending on the type of report selected. Debit adjustments are always listed in the Current column.


Shows unpaid invoice amounts, unapplied payment amounts, or unapplied credit amounts aged between 31 and 60 days. Amounts appear in the appropriate column depending on the type of report selected. Debit adjustments are always listed in the Current column.


Shows unpaid invoice amounts, unapplied payment amounts, or unapplied credit amounts aged between 61 and 90 days. Amounts appear in the appropriate column depending on the type of report selected. Debit adjustments are always listed in the Current column.


Shows unpaid invoice amounts, unapplied payment amounts, or unapplied credit amounts aged more than 90 days. Amounts appear in the appropriate column depending on the type of report selected. Debit adjustments are always listed in the Current column.


Shows unpaid invoice amounts, unapplied payment amounts, or unapplied credit amounts aged between 91 and 120 days. Amounts appear in the appropriate column depending on the type of report selected. Debit adjustments are always listed in the Current column.


Shows unpaid invoice amounts, unapplied payment amounts, or unapplied credit amounts aged more than 120 days. Amounts appear in the appropriate column depending on the type of report selected. Debit adjustments are always listed in the Current column.

Grand Total

Sum of all open or unapplied transactions.




Topic updated: 05/2024.