Journal Entry Review by Service Report Details

The Journal Entry Review by Service Report provides a list accounting entries related to services. The list of accounting entries combines details from the journal entry and information about the related service.

This report is a standard report located in the GL_3.0 folder of the Standard Reports and Reporting applications. The results are grouped by Service ID and can be displayed with or without Converted Currency, when applicable. For descriptions of the filters you can use, refer to Report Parameters List.

Journal Entry by Service Report Output Fields
Column Description

The AR Ledger Name and Number, shown under Service ID column.

Billing Account

The Billing Account Name and Number, shown under Service ID column.

Service ID

The unique ID for a recurring service or discount or the order item ID for onetime products.

Service Details

Details about the service such as the service start and end date, recurrence, and prorate status. Added to the service ID label.

Period Start Date

Service period start date.

Period Days

Number of Days in the service period.

GL Account Number

The GL Account Number associated with the accounting entry.

GL Account Name

The GL Account Name associated with the accounting entry.

Rule Trigger

The trigger, or action, associated with the posting rule from which the accounting entry was created.

JE Description

The description associated with the accounting entry.

Original Currency

The billing account currency for the billing account associated with the accounting entry.

6 months, depending on start month

Columns representing six months of the original currency amounts starting with the start month from the parameters.

Converted Currency, depending on report parameter

The currency defined on the ledger on which these accounting entries reside.

6 months, depending on start month

Columns representing six months of the converted currency amounts starting with the start month from the parameters.




Topic updated: 02/2024.