G/L Transactions Report Details

The G/L Transactions Report shows transactions that have posted to the general ledger (GL). This report is useful to audit the transactions that have been posted to your GL during a specific time or to a specific account.

The G/L Transactions Report is a standard report located in the GL_2.0 folder of the Reporting Tool found in either the Standard Reports or Reporting applications. The default sort order for this report is transaction date. This report can be filtered by date and account number. For descriptions of the filters you can use, refer to Report Parameters List.

The following table describes the output columns:

GL Transaction Report Output Fields
Column Description

Transaction Date

Date the transaction was entered into the database.

Posted Date

Date the transaction occurred with the customer.

Transaction ID

Identifier associated with the transaction.

GL Amount

Amount posted to the GL.

Original Amount

Amount of the source document, such as invoice, payment, adjustment, or accrual.

Credit / Debit

Indicates whether the transaction is a credit or debit transaction.

GL / Account Number

Unique GL account number that you assigned when creating this GL account.

GL Account Name

Name that you have given this GL account.

Posting Rule

The rule configured in Gotransverse, which is used to post the transaction.


Additional information that you entered for this GL account.